iSize item contains size of the ED_DATA structure (sizeof(ED_DATA)).
Version[3] array of three integer values contains version of DTM
SQL editor. 1,0,9 means 1.00.90
DSN string contains name of the current "data source name".
user string with user name who is currently logged in.
owner contains name of the database schema currently selected.
database contains name of the current database or empty string if
not supported or not selected.
TEXT_PAGES - pointer of the function with one parameter returns
number of editor tabs available and current active page
RESULT_PAGES - pointer of the function with one parameter returns
number of results tabs available and current active page
GET_TEXT pointer of the function with three parameters: page
number, pointer for text buffer, size of the buffer. This function provides
extraction text from selected editor page.
SET_TEXT pointer of the function with two parameters: page number,
pointer for null-terminated string with text. This function provides put text
for selected editor page.
GRID_SIZE pointer of the function with three parameters: results
page number, pointers for X and Y dimensions. Function returns size of the
grid for selected page.
GET_CELL pointer of the function with five parameters: results page
number, X and Y coordinates of the cell, pointer for text buffer, size of the
buffer. This function returns value of the selected cell as a string.
password string with password of the user who is currently logged in.
hMain - HWND of the main DTM SQL editor window
db - reserved internal pointer. Please don't use or modify this
structure item.
SchemaItem - reserved internal pointer. Please don't use or modify
this structure item.
interf - name of interface currently selected at "Connect" tab.
prod - product code plug-in was called from. See DTM_PRODUCT enum for details.
PL_DATA structure description
iSize item contains size of the PL_DATA structure (sizeof(PL_DATA)).
type - type of the plug-in, see above.
MenuItem - string (32 bytes or less) with name of the plug-in menu item.