DTM SQL Editor (www.sqledit.com/editor) is a set of powerful database management tools that allow you to
achieve two goals - to have unified access to different types of databases and to have a set of solutions that
makes processing your data easy. DTM SQL Editor gives database users, developers and administrators an
ability to access different databases, whether desktop or client-server ones (provided you have ODBC driver
installed). This is very convenient, since most organizations use several different types of databases installed
and each stores data in different formats and with varying parameters. Having a program that can get data from
various sources is often essential. Furthermore, in addition to letting you quickly switch between different data
sources, DTM SQL Editor lets you see database schema and results of the query execution.
DTM Migration Kit (www.sqledit.com/mk) is a powerful yet simple data migration tool that
comes in handy if you run multiple databases. Use it to import, export or migrate data between different
data sources (ODBC, OLE DB, or Oracle Call Interface supported). The program is fully automatic and supports
all popular database formats. Simple visual interface lets you set own transformation and flow control
rules to give you added flexibility.
DTM Schema Reporter (www.sqledit.com/sr) is a reporting tool for database schema. The program creates
reports in RTF, HTML, XML or plain text formats and supports all common database interfaces - ODBC, OLE DB, or
even Oracle Call Interface. This utility helps technical writers and database administrators create
a report of any complexity level within seconds. Also, you can alter table order in the report and
manually add annotations to the individual tables.
DTM Data Generator (www.sqledit.com/dg) is a simple, powerful and fully customizable
utility that generates data for database testing purposes. Currently, database developers and
administrators often have to spend hours of dull work to create test data sets before examining
database performance. This tool makes all this unnecessary by automatically creating database
objects AND sets of SQL statements, if necessary.
DTM Data Editor (www.sqledit.com/de) is a data viewer and editor for database
professionals who are tired of wasting their time on mundane tasks. The program uses form-based
interface and works with any ODBC data source. SQL statements are generated automatically and
can by modified later. For data that has foreign key - primary key relation, there are options
to enter values manually or select them from a list, which is much faster.
DTM DB Stress (www.sqledit.com/stress) is a utility for stress testing the server parts of
information systems and applications, as well as DBMSs and servers themselves. This tool allows you to create and
configure a continuous set of requests to the server of the OLAP (query execution) and OLTP
(adding, modifying and deleting data in the database) types. At the same time, the user can
flexibly change both the number and the priority of this or that type of requests to a database or
an application.
DTM Data Modeler (www.sqledit.com/dm) is a CASE tool for database developers that supports
both forward and reverse engineering. It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to
work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship
diagram. The product is intended for database architects and developers and works
with data sources via the ODBC interface, which means compatibility with all modern
DBMS. Along with basic model properties (sets of entities and relationships between them),
the program allows you to create indexes and triggers on the physical level corresponding
to the tables of the database that is modeled.
DTM Data Scrubber (www.sqledit.com/scr) is a set of intelligent tools
for data verification (audit) and scrubbing (cleaning). Depending on user-defined rules
and data properties, the program either creates a report about the actual state of affairs
or performs database data correction.
DTM Data Comparer (www.sqledit.com/dcmp) is a visual tool for data
compare and synchronization. The program successively views the contents of both tables
basing on the order of ascending of unique key values and shows differences or creates
synchronization script.
DTM Schema Comparer (www.sqledit.com/scmp) is a tool for database
schemas comparison and synchronization. The comparison process supports tables, views,
indexes, triggers and stored procedures. The visual representation of database schemas
as a tree makes the comparison process more comfortable.
DTM Query Reporter (www.sqledit.com/qr) is a reporting tool for database query. This
utility helps technical writers, developers and database administrators create a report
based on database query within seconds.
DTM Schema Inspector (www.sqledit.com/si) is a database schema browsing and management
tool that let you work with database schemas more effectively.
DTM DB Event (www.sqledit.com/event) is a database monitoring and
management tool. This utility allows the user to define a few situations (events).
For each event the user can define what the program should do if the event is occur.
DTM Flat File Generator. Easy to use tool that helps any
developer or QA engineer to create test data file. It supports tab-delimited, CSV, fixed width and custom separated output files.
The generator has powerful import and export file structure features.
DTM Test XML Generator. The tool is powerful generator for XML documents with
structure defined by user and random but realistic data. More than 30 predefined generators with powerful pattern engine. The rich import XML structure options are available.
DTM Data Generator for Excel is a tool for text Excel spreadsheet population. Easy to use interface based
on predefined generators, rich value library and high performance.
DTM Data Generator for JSON produces JSON files with defined structure in a bulk manner.
Fast and easy structure editor and smart import options helps the user to generate test set in a few clicks only.
DTM Database Content Analyzer is a statistical tool for database content.
It collects a few dozens of most interesting data: database objects size, value frequency, clusters, etc. This tool replaces and extends "Statistics" report
of obsolete versions DTM Schema Reporter.