Q: How to add entity or table onto model?
A: Select the entity icon on the program toolbar. After you specify the necessary
properties (you can specify them either immediately or later) and click Save, move
the mouse pointer to the necessary position and click the left mouse button. The
entity will be placed on the model.
Q: How to add a relationship?
A: Select the icon corresponding to the relationship type at the program toolbar. The
cursor will show the current state. Select the parent entity and click the left
mouse button. Specify the child entity and click the left mouse button. The
relationship will be displayed, the key will migrate (if necessary) and the
program will open the relationship properties editor.
Q: How to drop model object?
A: Use "drop" item in the context menu of the object.
A: or Use "drop" item in the context menu of the object browser tree.
Q: How to add view or stored procedure?
A: Select "VIEWS" (or PROCEDURES) tree item at the object browser tree and click the right mouse button.
Select "New object" menu item.
A: or Use Model submenu of the main program menu.