Data Generator Multiplatform Runtime

The DTM Data Generator Runtime for Unix, Linux and Mac OS (ME, multiplatform edition) is a special version of the data generator based on Java technologies. This version allows the user to run already created projects under most popular platforms: Unix, Linux, Mac OS, Windows, etc. The user can modify database connection and output properties only with this software product. Moreover, the runtime expects same database schema as for created project.

This software is compatible with Professional and Enterprise editions of DTM Data Generator only. It requires Java SDK or Java Runtime Environment to be executed and uses JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to access databases.

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Please find differences between full edition and runtime of the test data generator in the following table:

Option Enterprise Edition for Windows Multiplatform Runtime
Create or modify project file Yes Limited
Run existing project file Yes Yes
Cross-database references support Yes No, manual only
Schema Validation Yes Limited, editor only
BLOB loader Yes No
Schema Migration Feature Yes No
Performance mode Option Always on*

* - for typical projects the Runtime ME is faster than the base version for about 2-3 times due to limitations mentioned in the table above.

Important: the user must have at least one DTM Data Generator license to prepare portable project files (.DGP2).