This generation method allows the user to specify pattern as data generator.
The pattern is a text string with any number of 'A', 'a' and 'N' characters. During the value generation
process, the 'A' and 'a' characters are replaced with a random letter (from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z')
and the 'N' character is replaced with a random figure. {n} means iterate last sign 1 to n times.
All the rest of the pattern characters will be moved to the result value without any changes.
If you want to specify several different patterns for filling a field, you should use the "$List" function.
You can use '\' character for escape next pattern sign. For example, \a will be used as an 'a' letter
without any replacements.
There are easy pattern items:
Please refer to detailed pattern engine manual (on-line).
The tool offers a few useful predefined patters. They available via menu:
Pattern | Sample values |
ANNaaN | K15rb6,J46xm7,V02bq9,A30et4,... |
N{3} $Lib{Streets} | 3 Jackson Hole Court,342 Christine Avenue,34 Koyuk Avenue... |