Error Codes and Messages
Expression80Factor error: expect ')'
Expression81Factor error: expect value instead of '...'
Expression82Factor error: Unexpected empty lexema
Expression83Factor error: Unexpected empty factor
Expression84Expression: unexpected operation ot token '...'s
Function90Parameter(s) missed.There is no parameter list, even empty.
Function91Brackets coordination error.
Function92Could not resolve nested call or reference.
Function100Could not recognize '...' as correct function name.The specified function does not exist.
Group101Specified group N not found.
Group102Parameter list must contain 2 items.
Repeater103Incomplete repeater value.Value or range expression is not completed well.
List104<...> list is empty.
Repeater105Incorrect repeater value.Incorrect range separator or another problem.
Truncate106Parameter list must contain 2 items.
Truncate107Truncate: string size must be positive integer value.
Variables108Parameter list must contain 1 item
Variable access109Incorrect modifier for '...'
Variable access110'...' variable not found
Repeater111Incorrect high border of the repeater.Hight border is empty or incorrect
List112<...> list closed incorrectly.
Optional113Optional block closed incorrectly.
RDate200'From' date '...' does not correspond to format '...'
RDate201'To' date '...' does not correspond to format '...'
RDate204Could not recognize date format '...' for 'from' date [...]
RDate205Could not recognize date format '...' for 'to' date [...]
RDate206Invalid long year in the date format '...'For example, two digits year for YYYY format.
RDate207Invalid short year in the date format '...'For example, four digits year for YY format.
RDate208Invalid date format '...'No format items in the format string found.
RTime300'From' time '...' does not correspond to format '...'Constant and format specification are different
RTime301'To' time '...' does not correspond to format '...'Constant and format specification are different
RTime302Incorrect or incomplete time format '...'
Time303Time constant '...' does not correspond to format '...'Wrong time constant or format
Date304Date constant '...' does not correspond to format '...'Wrong date constant or format
Geometry400Geometry expects not more than one parameter.0 or 1 parameter is required.
Geometry401Parameter '...' is incorrect, expects positive integer.
Geography500Geography has no parameters.Unexpected parameters were passed.
Call600Function $Call expects one parameter.
Call601Named generators do not passed to pattern engine.No named generators defined.
Call602Named generator '...' not found.
Column reference700Definitions are not present.Columns are not defined.
Column reference701Column reference without column name@ sign without number or name
Column reference702Invalid column index or forward reference@n with out of range or incorrect 'n' value
Column reference703Column name without quotation@name instead of @'name'
Column reference704Column name quotation error.
Column reference705Specified column '...' not found or forward reference.
MSExcel1000Function expects at least 3 parameters.
MSExcel1001Could not open '...' file
ExcelGroup1050Function expects at least 5 parameters.
ExcelGroup1051Could not open '...' file
ExcelGroup1052<Excel driver-specific error message>
Query1100No query present
Query1101Could not connect to custom data source.
Query1102No default or custom database connection specified.
Query1103<Database-specific error message>Could not execute database query
Query1104Invalid query or expressionCould not resolve or prepare query text
Query1105Empty query provided
Query1106The Query execution error
File1200Function expects at least one parameter.
File1201Could not access or open source file '...'.Check path and access rights for the file
File1202Could not calculate item '...' of the listFile contains incorrect engine call
FileGroup1300Function expects at least 3 parameters.
FileGroup1301Could not open source file '...'.Check path and access rights for the file
FileGroup1302Could not calculate item.The file contains incorrect engine call
MSAccess1400Function expects at least 3 parameters.
MSAccess1401Could not open '...' file.Check path, format and access rights for the file
Table1500Function expects at least 2 parameters.
Table1501No default or custom database connection specified.
Table1502Could not connect to custom data source.
TableGroup1600Function expects at least 3 parameters
TableGroup1601<database-specific error message>
TableGroup1602This call version expects at least 6 parameters
TableGroup1604Could not connect to custom data source.
TableGroup1608No default or custom database connection specified.
TableGroup1610Group item is out of rangeIncorrect item of the group number
GroupByQuery1700Function expects at least 2 parameters: group and query.
GroupByQuery1701<database-specific error message>Could not execute the query or retrieve requested rows.
GroupByQuery1702No default or custom database connection specified.
GroupByQuery1704Could not connect to custom data source.
GroupByQuery1705Incorrect engine call as query text
GroupByQuery1706Group item is out of rangeWrong number of the group item
Library1800Function expects at least one parameter.
Library1801Could not open library at '...'.Check for library location and accessibility
Library engine1850<database-specific error message>GetColumn returns nothing
Library engine1860ListValue could not find value with enough length.All values are too long
LibGroup1900Function expects at least 3 parameters.
LibGroup1901Could not open library at '...'.Check for library location and accessibility
LibGroup1902Group item is out of rangeIncorrect reference to the item of the group
If2000Function expects 3 parameters
If2001The first parameter must be between 0 and 100.
If2002Could not compile the first pattern '...'Check the first pattern
If2003Could not compile the second pattern '...'Check the second pattern
If2004Could not calculate the item.
Unique2100Function expects single parameter.
Unique2101Could not compile nested pattern.Check the nested pattern
Unique2102Could not find unique value provided by nested pattern.Not enough unique data items provided
Unique2103Could not calculate nested pattern.Check the nested pattern
List2200Function expects at least 2 parameters
List2201Incomplete pair of parametersCheck number of parameters
List2202Wrong probability valueExpects positive integer between 1 and 100.
List2204Could not calculate item '...' of the listIncorrect engine call for list item.
Sequence2300Function expects exact 2 parameters.
Sequence2301Incorrect pattern providedPlease check nested call or expression
Sequence2304Could not calculate counter valuePlease check call or expression for "counter" parameter
XML2500The function has two parameters.
XML2501'...' file inaccessible or does not exist.
XML2502Could not load XML file.Check that file has correct XML format
XML2503Could not load XML from web resource.
DLL2600Expects at least one parameter
DLL2601DLL not found or inaccessible
DLL2602'Install' entry point not found.The DLL does not export 'Install' entry point.
DLL2603'GetValue' entry point not found.The DLL does not export 'GetValue' entry point.
BLOB loader2700Expects one parameter
BLOB loader2701No source directory found or inaccessible
BLOB loader2702No files found in the directory
ListPattern2800Function expects 2 parameters
ListPattern2801Function expects positive integer as 1st parameter
ListPattern2802Function could not generate unique valueList is too small to find another unique value
ListPattern2803Incorrect pattern or expression
ByExample2900Function expects at least one parameter
ByExample2901Function could not recognize any patternTry to provide more examples or another example list
ByExample2902Could not calculate the item
RString3000Function expects at least 2 parameters
IncDate3100Wrong step size: 'D','M','Y','H','m' or 'S' expected
IncDate3101Incorrect call for Step (...)Check built-in function call for 'Step' parameter
IncDate3102Incorrect call for From (...)Check built-in function call for 'From' parameter
IncDate3103Could not calculate last valueCheck table name and column reference for 'From'
Inc3150Incorrect call for Step (...)Check built-in function call for 'Step' parameter
Inc3151Incorrect call for First (...)Check built-in function call for 'First' parameter
Inc3152Could not calculate last value
Inc3153Incorrect call for sequence border (...)Check built-in function call for 'sequence border' parameter
Inc3154Incorrect call for Reuse counter (...)Check built-in function call for 'Reuse counter' parameter
IncTime3200Wrong step size'H','M','m' or 'S' expected
IncTime3201Incorrect call for From (...)Check built-in function call for 'From' parameter
IncTime3202Incorrect call for Step (...)Check built-in function call for 'Step' parameter
IncTime3203Could not calculate last valueCheck table and column name for 'From'
IncFloat3250Incorrect call for Step (...)Check built-in function call for 'Step' parameter
IncFloat3251Incorrect call for sequence border (...)Check built-in function call for 'sequence border' parameter
IncFloat3252Incorrect call for Reuse (...)Check built-in function call for 'Reuse' parameter
IncFloat3253Could not calculate last value
IncFloat3254Incorrect call for First (...)Check built-in function call for 'First' parameter
Format3300The function expects exact 2 parameters
Lower3400The function expects single mandatory parameter
Upper3500The function expects single mandatory parameter
Quote3600The function expects at least one parameter
Pattern3700The function expects single mandatory parameter
WebFile3800The function expects at least one parameter
WebFile3801Could not load the resource
WebFile3802Could not calculate itemValue is incorrect engine call
WebFileGroup3900The function expects at least 3 parameters
WebFileGroup3901Could not load the resource
WebFileGroup3902Could not calculate valueFile contains incorrect engine call
WebFileGroup3904Empty valueThe group was not defined properly
WebFileGroup3903Group item is out of rangeWrong item of the group number
Case4000The function expects at least 3 parameters
Case4001Could not calculate the selector.Invalid engine call for selector expression
Case4002Could not calculate the value.Invalid engine call for value
Script4100The function expects at least 2 parameters
Script4101Unknown script type '...'Type have to be 'python' for this version of the engine
Script4102Script file '...' not found or inaccessible.
Script4103Could not load data provided by script
ScriptGroup4200The function expects at least four parameters
ScriptGroup4202Script file '...' not found or inaccessible.
ScriptGroup4204Group item is out of rangeIncorrect number of the group item used
Script4203Could not load data provided by script
JSON File4300The function expects at least two parameters
JSON File4301JSON data file inaccessible or does not exist
CVT function4400The function expects at least three parameters
CVT function4401Pattern provides no data. Incompatible or empty data source provided
CVT function4402Invalid target format. XML or JSON expected
RIntN function4500The function expects at least 5 parameters.
RIntN function4501Could not compile call.Check parameters 1,2 and 3
RIntN function4502Could not calculate the value.
RStringN function4600The function expects at least 4 parameters
RStringN function4601Could not compile call.Check parameters 1 and 2
ListN function4700The function expects at least 5 parameters
ListN function4701Could not compile call
Repeat function4800The function expects 5 parameters
Repeat function4801Could not compile callCheck the nested pattern
MakeJSONArray function4900The function expects 3 parameters
MakeJSONArray function4901Incorrect item IDPositive integer expected
MakeJSONArray function4902Could not compile callCheck the nested pattern
MakeJSONObject function5000The function expects at least 4 parameters
MakeJSONObject function5001Incorrect item IDPositive integer expected
MakeJSONObject function5002Could not compile callCheck the nested pattern
MakeJSONItem function5100The function expects at least 4 parameters
MakeJSONItem function5101Could not compile callCheck the nested pattern
MakeJSON function5102Could not compile subitemCheck the nested pattern
First function5200Function expects two mandatory parameters
Last function5300Function expects two mandatory parameters
Const function5400Function expects one mandatory parameter