
Table: 'dbo.ErrorLog'

9 fields. 8544 bytes.

Audit table tracking errors in the the AdventureWorks database that are caught by the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Data is inserted by stored procedure dbo.uspLogError when it is executed from inside the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct.

Field NameData TypeSizeOriginal TypeDefaultNullableDescriptionCheck
ErrorLogIDint identity int Not nullPrimary key for ErrorLog records. 
ErrorTimedatetime  getdate()Not nullThe date and time at which the error occurred. 
UserNamesysname128nvarchar(128) Not nullThe user who executed the batch in which the error occurred. 
ErrorNumberint   Not nullThe error number of the error that occurred. 
ErrorSeverityint   NullThe severity of the error that occurred. 
ErrorStateint   NullThe state number of the error that occurred. 
ErrorProcedurenvarchar126  NullThe name of the stored procedure or trigger where the error occurred. 
ErrorLineint   NullThe line number at which the error occurred. 
ErrorMessagenvarchar4000  Not nullThe message text of the error that occurred. 

Extended Properties

The object has no extended properties.

Primary key for table 'dbo.ErrorLog'

Primary Key NameField Name
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.

Indexes for table 'dbo.ErrorLog', 1 item

Index NameDescriptionClusteredUniqueFields
PK_ErrorLog_ErrorLogIDClustered index created by a primary key constraint.YesYesErrorLogID
There are no Triggers for this table.

Dependencies for table 'dbo.ErrorLog', 1 item

Object NameTypeField Name
dbo.uspLogErrorstored procedureN/A