Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | Table value function returning the first name, last name, job title and contact type for a given contact. | @TABLE_RETURN_VALUE table [RESULT SET COLUMN], @ContactID int(10) [INPUT] |
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.StoreContact | user table | ContactID |
Sales.StoreContact | user table | ContactTypeID |
Person.Contact | user table | ContactID |
Person.Contact | user table | FirstName |
Person.Contact | user table | LastName |
Purchasing.VendorContact | user table | ContactID |
Purchasing.VendorContact | user table | ContactTypeID |
Person.ContactType | user table | ContactTypeID |
Person.ContactType | user table | Name |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ContactID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | Title |
Sales.Individual | user table | ContactID |