Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspLogError | Logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error information. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @ErrorLogID int(10) [INPUT and OUTPUT] |
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspPrintError | stored procedure | N/A |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | UserName |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorNumber |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorSeverity |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorState |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorProcedure |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorLine |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorMessage |