Adventure Works Database Schema
Property | Value |
Report created | 20-May-2011 15:49 |
DBMS and version | Microsoft SQL Server [ 09.00.1399 ] |
Server | DTM-XP |
Database name | AdventureWorks |
User/Login | sa |
Schema/Owner | |
Driver and version | sqlncli10.dll [ 10.00.4000 ] |
DTM Schema Reporter | Version 1.24.23, (C) 2003-2011 DTM soft. |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SystemInformationID | tinyint identity | | tinyint | | Not null | Primary key for AWBuildVersion records. | |
Database Version | nvarchar | 25 | | | Not null | Version number of the database in format. | |
VersionDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'dbo.AWBuildVersion'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_AWBuildVersion_SystemInformationID | SystemInformationID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'dbo.AWBuildVersion', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_AWBuildVersion_SystemInformationID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SystemInformationID |
Triggers for table 'dbo.AWBuildVersion', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uAWBuildVersion | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the AWBuildVersion table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'dbo.AWBuildVersion', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uAWBuildVersion | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
DatabaseLogID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for DatabaseLog records. | |
PostTime | datetime | | | | Not null | The date and time the DDL change occurred. | |
DatabaseUser | sysname | 128 | nvarchar(128) | | Not null | The user who implemented the DDL change. | |
Event | sysname | 128 | nvarchar(128) | | Not null | The type of DDL statement that was executed. | |
Schema | sysname | 128 | nvarchar(128) | | Null | The schema to which the changed object belongs. | |
Object | sysname | 128 | nvarchar(128) | | Null | The object that was changed by the DDL statment. | |
TSQL | nvarchar | max | | | Not null | The exact Transact-SQL statement that was executed. | |
XmlEvent | xml | | | | Not null | The raw XML data generated by database trigger. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'dbo.DatabaseLog'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_DatabaseLog_DatabaseLogID | DatabaseLogID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'dbo.DatabaseLog', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_DatabaseLog_DatabaseLogID | Nonclustered index created by a primary key constraint. | No | Yes | DatabaseLogID |
There are no Triggers for this table.
There are no Dependencies for this object.
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ErrorLogID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ErrorLog records. | |
ErrorTime | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | The date and time at which the error occurred. | |
UserName | sysname | 128 | nvarchar(128) | | Not null | The user who executed the batch in which the error occurred. | |
ErrorNumber | int | | | | Not null | The error number of the error that occurred. | |
ErrorSeverity | int | | | | Null | The severity of the error that occurred. | |
ErrorState | int | | | | Null | The state number of the error that occurred. | |
ErrorProcedure | nvarchar | 126 | | | Null | The name of the stored procedure or trigger where the error occurred. | |
ErrorLine | int | | | | Null | The line number at which the error occurred. | |
ErrorMessage | nvarchar | 4000 | | | Not null | The message text of the error that occurred. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'dbo.ErrorLog'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ErrorLog_ErrorLogID | ErrorLogID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'dbo.ErrorLog', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ErrorLog_ErrorLogID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ErrorLogID |
There are no Triggers for this table.
Dependencies for table 'dbo.ErrorLog', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspLogError | stored procedure | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
DepartmentID | smallint identity | | smallint | | Not null | Primary key for Department records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Name of the department. | |
GroupName | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Name of the group to which the department belongs. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.Department'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Department_DepartmentID | DepartmentID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.Department', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Department_DepartmentID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | DepartmentID |
AK_Department_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.Department', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uDepartment | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Department table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.Department', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.uDepartment | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
EmployeeID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Employee records. | |
NationalIDNumber | nvarchar | 15 | | | Not null | Unique national identification number such as a social security number. | |
ContactID | int | | | | Not null | Identifies the employee in the Contact table. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. | |
LoginID | nvarchar | 256 | | | Not null | Network login. | |
ManagerID | int | | | | Null | Manager to whom the employee is assigned. Foreign Key to Employee.M | |
Title | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Work title such as Buyer or Sales Representative. | |
BirthDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date of birth. | ([BirthDate]>='1930-01-01' AND [BirthDate]<=dateadd(year,(-18),getdate())) |
MaritalStatus | nchar | 1 | | | Not null | M = Married, S = Single | (upper([MaritalStatus])='S' OR upper([MaritalStatus])='M') |
Gender | nchar | 1 | | | Not null | M = Male, F = Female | (upper([Gender])='F' OR upper([Gender])='M') |
HireDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Employee hired on this date. | ([HireDate]>='1996-07-01' AND [HireDate]<=dateadd(day,(1),getdate())) |
SalariedFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | Job classification. 0 = Hourly, not exempt from collective bargaining. 1 = Salaried, exempt from collective bargaining. | |
VacationHours | smallint | | | (0) | Not null | Number of available vacation hours. | ([VacationHours]>=(-40) AND [VacationHours]<=(240)) |
SickLeaveHours | smallint | | | (0) | Not null | Number of available sick leave hours. | ([SickLeaveHours]>=(0) AND [SickLeaveHours]<=(120)) |
CurrentFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = Inactive, 1 = Active | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.Employee'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Employee_EmployeeID | EmployeeID |
Foreign keys for table 'HumanResources.Employee', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
Employee.ManagerID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_Employee_Employee_ManagerID |
Employee.ContactID | Contact.ContactID | FK_Employee_Contact_ContactID |
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.Employee', 5 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Employee_EmployeeID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | EmployeeID |
AK_Employee_LoginID | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | LoginID |
AK_Employee_NationalIDNumber | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | NationalIDNumber |
AK_Employee_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_Employee_ManagerID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ManagerID |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.Employee', 2 items
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
dEmployee | INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger which keeps Employees from being deleted. | instead of Delete | Yes |
uEmployee | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Employee table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.Employee', 18 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | table function | N/A |
dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers | stored procedure | N/A |
dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_Employee_BirthDate | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_Employee_Gender | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_Employee_HireDate | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_Employee_MaritalStatus | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_Employee_SickLeaveHours | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_Employee_VacationHours | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.uEmployee | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeLogin | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeePersonalInfo | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployee | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
EmployeeID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Employee.EmployeeID. | |
AddressID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeAddress'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_EmployeeAddress_EmployeeID_AddressID | EmployeeID, AddressID |
Foreign keys for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeAddress', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
EmployeeAddress.EmployeeID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_EmployeeAddress_Employee_EmployeeID |
EmployeeAddress.AddressID | Address.AddressID | FK_EmployeeAddress_Address_AddressID |
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeAddress', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_EmployeeAddress_EmployeeID_AddressID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | EmployeeID, AddressID |
AK_EmployeeAddress_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeAddress', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uEmployeeAddress | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the EmployeeAddress table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeAddress', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.uEmployeeAddress | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployee | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
EmployeeID | int | | | | Not null | Employee identification number. Foreign key to Employee.EmployeeID. | |
DepartmentID | smallint | | | | Not null | Department in which the employee worked including currently. Foreign key to Department.DepartmentID. | |
ShiftID | tinyint | | | | Not null | Identifies which 8-hour shift the employee works. Foreign key to Shift.Shift.ID. | |
StartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date the employee started work in the department. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the employee left the department. NULL = Current department. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentID | EmployeeID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID |
Foreign keys for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
EmployeeDepartmentHistory.DepartmentID | Department.DepartmentID | FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Department_DepartmentID |
EmployeeDepartmentHistory.EmployeeID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Employee_EmployeeID |
EmployeeDepartmentHistory.ShiftID | Shift.ShiftID | FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Shift_ShiftID |
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | EmployeeID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID |
IX_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_DepartmentID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | DepartmentID |
IX_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_ShiftID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ShiftID |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uEmployeeDepartmentHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the EmployeeDepartmentHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.CK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EndDate | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.uEmployeeDepartmentHistory | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
EmployeeID | int | | | | Not null | Employee identification number. Foreign key to Employee.EmployeeID. | |
RateChangeDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date the change in pay is effective | |
Rate | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Salary hourly rate. | ([Rate]>=(6.50) AND [Rate]<=(200.00)) |
PayFrequency | tinyint | | | | Not null | 1 = Salary received monthly, 2 = Salary received biweekly | ([PayFrequency]=(2) OR [PayFrequency]=(1)) |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_EmployeePayHistory_EmployeeID_RateChangeDate | EmployeeID, RateChangeDate |
Foreign keys for table 'HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
EmployeePayHistory.EmployeeID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_EmployeePayHistory_Employee_EmployeeID |
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_EmployeePayHistory_EmployeeID_RateChangeDate | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | EmployeeID, RateChangeDate |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uEmployeePayHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the EmployeePayHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.CK_EmployeePayHistory_PayFrequency | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.CK_EmployeePayHistory_Rate | check cns | N/A |
HumanResources.uEmployeePayHistory | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo | stored procedure | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
JobCandidateID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for JobCandidate records. | |
EmployeeID | int | | | | Null | Employee identification number if applicant was hired. Foreign key to Employee.EmployeeID. | |
Resume | xml | | | | Null | Resume in XML format. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.JobCandidate'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_JobCandidate_JobCandidateID | JobCandidateID |
Foreign keys for table 'HumanResources.JobCandidate', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
JobCandidate.EmployeeID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_JobCandidate_Employee_EmployeeID |
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.JobCandidate', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_JobCandidate_JobCandidateID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | JobCandidateID |
IX_JobCandidate_EmployeeID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | EmployeeID |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.JobCandidate', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uJobCandidate | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the JobCandidat table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.JobCandidate', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.uJobCandidate | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.vJobCandidate | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vJobCandidateEducation | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vJobCandidateEmployment | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ShiftID | tinyint identity | | tinyint | | Not null | Primary key for Shift records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Shift description. | |
StartTime | datetime | | | | Not null | Shift start time. | |
EndTime | datetime | | | | Not null | Shift end time. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'HumanResources.Shift'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Shift_ShiftID | ShiftID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'HumanResources.Shift', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Shift_ShiftID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ShiftID |
AK_Shift_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_Shift_StartTime_EndTime | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | StartTime, EndTime |
Triggers for table 'HumanResources.Shift', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uShift | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Shift table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'HumanResources.Shift', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.uShift | trigger | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
AddressID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Address records. | |
AddressLine1 | nvarchar | 60 | | | Not null | First street address line. | |
AddressLine2 | nvarchar | 60 | | | Null | Second street address line. | |
City | nvarchar | 30 | | | Not null | Name of the city. | |
StateProvinceID | int | | | | Not null | Unique identification number for the state or province. Foreign key to StateProvince table. | |
PostalCode | nvarchar | 15 | | | Not null | Postal code for the street address. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Person.Address'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Address_AddressID | AddressID |
Foreign keys for table 'Person.Address', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
Address.StateProvinceID | StateProvince.StateProvinceID | FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID |
Indexes for table 'Person.Address', 4 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Address_AddressID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | AddressID |
AK_Address_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvinceID_PostalCode | Nonclustered index. | No | Yes | AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode |
IX_Address_StateProvinceID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | StateProvinceID |
Triggers for table 'Person.Address', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uAddress | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Address table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Person.Address', 6 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.vEmployee | view | N/A |
Person.uAddress | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
AddressTypeID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for AddressType records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Address type description. For example, Billing, Home, or Shipping. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Person.AddressType'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_AddressType_AddressTypeID | AddressTypeID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Person.AddressType', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_AddressType_AddressTypeID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | AddressTypeID |
AK_AddressType_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_AddressType_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Person.AddressType', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uAddressType | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the AddressType table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Person.AddressType', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Person.uAddressType | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ContactID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Contact records. | |
NameStyle | NameStyle | | bit | (0) | Not null | 0 = The data in FirstName and LastName are stored in western style (first name, last name) order. 1 = Eastern style (last name, first name) order. | |
Title | nvarchar | 8 | | | Null | A courtesy title. For example, Mr. or Ms. | |
FirstName | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | First name of the person. | |
MiddleName | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Null | Middle name or middle initial of the person. | |
LastName | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Last name of the person. | |
Suffix | nvarchar | 10 | | | Null | Surname suffix. For example, Sr. or Jr. | |
EmailAddress | nvarchar | 50 | | | Null | E-mail address for the person. | |
EmailPromotion | int | | | (0) | Not null | 0 = Contact does not wish to receive e-mail promotions, 1 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks, 2 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners. | ([EmailPromotion]>=(0) AND [EmailPromotion]<=(2)) |
Phone | Phone | | nvarchar(25) | | Null | Phone number associated with the person. | |
PasswordHash | varchar | 40 | | | Not null | Password for the e-mail account. | |
PasswordSalt | varchar | 10 | | | Not null | Random value concatenated with the password string before the password is hashed. | |
AdditionalContactInfo | xml | | | | Null | Additional contact information about the person stored in xml format. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
Object Type | Object Name | Property Name | Property Value |
TABLE | Contact | Author | Mike Filony |
Primary key for table 'Person.Contact'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Contact_ContactID | ContactID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Person.Contact', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Contact_ContactID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ContactID |
AK_Contact_rowguid | nonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_Contact_EmailAddress | Nonclustered index. | No | No | EmailAddress |
Triggers for table 'Person.Contact', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uContact | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Contact table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Person.Contact', 14 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | table function | N/A |
dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers | stored procedure | N/A |
dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployee | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment | view | N/A |
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory | view | N/A |
Person.CK_Contact_EmailPromotion | check cns | N/A |
Person.uContact | trigger | N/A |
Person.vAdditionalContactInfo | view | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ContactTypeID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ContactType records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Contact type description. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Person.ContactType'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ContactType_ContactTypeID | ContactTypeID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Person.ContactType', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ContactType_ContactTypeID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ContactTypeID |
AK_ContactType_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Person.ContactType', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uContactType | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ContactType table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Person.ContactType', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | table function | N/A |
Person.uContactType | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CountryRegionCode | nvarchar | 3 | | | Not null | ISO standard code for countries and regions. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Country or region name. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Person.CountryRegion'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode | CountryRegionCode |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Person.CountryRegion', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CountryRegionCode |
AK_CountryRegion_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Person.CountryRegion', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCountryRegion | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the CountryRegion table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Person.CountryRegion', 7 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.vEmployee | view | N/A |
Person.uCountryRegion | trigger | N/A |
Person.vStateProvinceCountryRegion | view | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
StateProvinceID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for StateProvince records. | |
StateProvinceCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | ISO standard state or province code. | |
CountryRegionCode | nvarchar | 3 | | | Not null | ISO standard country or region code. Foreign key to CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode. | |
IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = StateProvinceCode exists. 1 = StateProvinceCode unavailable, using CountryRegionCode. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | State or province description. | |
TerritoryID | int | | | | Not null | ID of the territory in which the state or province is located. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Person.StateProvince'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_StateProvince_StateProvinceID | StateProvinceID |
Foreign keys for table 'Person.StateProvince', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
StateProvince.CountryRegionCode | CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode | FK_StateProvince_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode |
StateProvince.TerritoryID | SalesTerritory.TerritoryID | FK_StateProvince_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID |
Indexes for table 'Person.StateProvince', 4 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_StateProvince_StateProvinceID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | StateProvinceID |
AK_StateProvince_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_StateProvince_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
AK_StateProvince_StateProvinceCode_CountryRegionCode | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode |
Triggers for table 'Person.StateProvince', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uStateProvince | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the StateProvince table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Person.StateProvince', 7 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
HumanResources.vEmployee | view | N/A |
Person.uStateProvince | trigger | N/A |
Person.vStateProvinceCountryRegion | view | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
BillOfMaterialsID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for BillOfMaterials records. | |
ProductAssemblyID | int | | | | Null | Parent product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
ComponentID | int | | | | Not null | Component identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
StartDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date the component started being used in the assembly item. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the component stopped being used in the assembly item. | |
UnitMeasureCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | Standard code identifying the unit of measure for the quantity. | |
BOMLevel | smallint | | | | Not null | Indicates the depth the component is from its parent (AssemblyID). | |
PerAssemblyQty | decimal | 8,2 | | (1.00) | Not null | Quantity of the component needed to create the assembly. | ([PerAssemblyQty]>=(1.00)) |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_BillOfMaterials_BillOfMaterialsID | BillOfMaterialsID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
BillOfMaterials.ProductAssemblyID | Product.ProductID | FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ProductAssemblyID |
BillOfMaterials.ComponentID | Product.ProductID | FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ComponentID |
BillOfMaterials.UnitMeasureCode | UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode | FK_BillOfMaterials_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode |
Indexes for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
AK_BillOfMaterials_ProductAssemblyID_ComponentID_StartDate | Clustered index. | Yes | Yes | ProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate |
PK_BillOfMaterials_BillOfMaterialsID | Nonclustered index created by a primary key constraint. | No | Yes | BillOfMaterialsID |
IX_BillOfMaterials_UnitMeasureCode | Nonclustered index. | No | No | UnitMeasureCode |
Triggers for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uBillOfMaterials | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the BillOfMaterials table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 7 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials | stored procedure | N/A |
dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID | stored procedure | N/A |
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_BOMLevel | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_EndDate | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_PerAssemblyQty | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_ProductAssemblyID | check cns | N/A |
Production.uBillOfMaterials | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CultureID | nchar | 6 | | | Not null | Primary key for Culture records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Culture description. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.Culture'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Culture_CultureID | CultureID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.Culture', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Culture_CultureID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CultureID |
AK_Culture_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Production.Culture', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCulture | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Culture table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.Culture', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uCulture | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
DocumentID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Document records. | |
Title | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Title of the document. | |
FileName | nvarchar | 400 | | | Not null | Directory path and file name of the document | |
FileExtension | nvarchar | 8 | | | Not null | File extension indicating the document type. For example, .doc or .txt. | |
Revision | nchar | 5 | | | Not null | Revision number of the document. | |
ChangeNumber | int | | | (0) | Not null | Engineering change approval number. | |
Status | tinyint | | | | Not null | 1 = Pending approval, 2 = Approved, 3 = Obsolete | ([Status]>=(1) AND [Status]<=(3)) |
DocumentSummary | nvarchar | max | | | Null | Document abstract. | |
Document | varbinary | | | | Null | Complete document. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.Document'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Document_DocumentID | DocumentID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.Document', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Document_DocumentID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | DocumentID |
AK_Document_FileName_Revision | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | FileName, Revision |
Triggers for table 'Production.Document', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uDocument | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Document table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.Document', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.CK_Document_Status | check cns | N/A |
Production.uDocument | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
IllustrationID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Illustration records. | |
Diagram | xml | | | | Null | Illustrations used in manufacturing instructions. Stored as XML. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.Illustration'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Illustration_IllustrationID | IllustrationID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.Illustration', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Illustration_IllustrationID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | IllustrationID |
Triggers for table 'Production.Illustration', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uIllustration | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Illustration table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.Illustration', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uIllustration | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
LocationID | smallint identity | | smallint | | Not null | Primary key for Location records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Location description. | |
CostRate | smallmoney | 10,4 | decimal(10,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Standard hourly cost of the manufacturing location. | ([CostRate]>=(0.00)) |
Availability | decimal | 8,2 | | (0.00) | Not null | Work capacity (in hours) of the manufacturing location. | ([Availability]>=(0.00)) |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.Location'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Location_LocationID | LocationID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.Location', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Location_LocationID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | LocationID |
AK_Location_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Production.Location', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uLocation | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Location table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.Location', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.CK_Location_Availability | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Location_CostRate | check cns | N/A |
Production.uLocation | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Product records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Name of the product. | |
ProductNumber | nvarchar | 25 | | | Not null | Unique product identification number. | |
MakeFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = Product is purchased, 1 = Product is manufactured in-house. | |
FinishedGoodsFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = Product is not a salable item. 1 = Product is salable. | |
Color | nvarchar | 15 | | | Null | Product color. | |
SafetyStockLevel | smallint | | | | Not null | Minimum inventory quantity. | ([SafetyStockLevel]>(0)) |
ReorderPoint | smallint | | | | Not null | Inventory level that triggers a purchase order or work order. | ([ReorderPoint]>(0)) |
StandardCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Standard cost of the product. | ([StandardCost]>=(0.00)) |
ListPrice | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Selling price. | ([ListPrice]>=(0.00)) |
Size | nvarchar | 5 | | | Null | Product size. | |
SizeUnitMeasureCode | nchar | 3 | | | Null | Unit of measure for Size column. | |
WeightUnitMeasureCode | nchar | 3 | | | Null | Unit of measure for Weight column. | |
Weight | decimal | 8,2 | | | Null | Product weight. | ([Weight]>(0.00)) |
DaysToManufacture | int | | | | Not null | Number of days required to manufacture the product. | ([DaysToManufacture]>=(0)) |
ProductLine | nchar | 2 | | | Null | R = Road, M = Mountain, T = Touring, S = Standard | (upper([ProductLine])='R' OR upper([ProductLine])='M' OR upper([ProductLine])='T' OR upper([ProductLine])='S' OR [ProductLine] IS NULL) |
Class | nchar | 2 | | | Null | H = High, M = Medium, L = Low | (upper([Class])='H' OR upper([Class])='M' OR upper([Class])='L' OR [Class] IS NULL) |
Style | nchar | 2 | | | Null | W = Womens, M = Mens, U = Universal | (upper([Style])='U' OR upper([Style])='M' OR upper([Style])='W' OR [Style] IS NULL) |
ProductSubcategoryID | int | | | | Null | Product is a member of this product subcategory. Foreign key to ProductSubCategory.ProductSubCategoryID. | |
ProductModelID | int | | | | Null | Product is a member of this product model. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID. | |
SellStartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date the product was available for sale. | |
SellEndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the product was no longer available for sale. | |
DiscontinuedDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the product was discontinued. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.Product'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Product_ProductID | ProductID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.Product', 4 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
Product.ProductModelID | ProductModel.ProductModelID | FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID |
Product.ProductSubcategoryID | ProductSubcategory.ProductSubcategoryID | FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID |
Product.SizeUnitMeasureCode | UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode | FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode |
Product.WeightUnitMeasureCode | UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode | FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode |
Indexes for table 'Production.Product', 4 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Product_ProductID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductID |
AK_Product_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_Product_ProductNumber | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | ProductNumber |
AK_Product_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Production.Product', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProduct | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Product table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.Product', 17 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice | scalar function | N/A |
dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice | scalar function | N/A |
dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost | scalar function | N/A |
dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials | stored procedure | N/A |
dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID | stored procedure | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_Class | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_DaysToManufacture | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_ListPrice | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_ProductLine | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_ReorderPoint | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_SafetyStockLevel | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_SellEndDate | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_StandardCost | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_Style | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_Product_Weight | check cns | N/A |
Production.uProduct | trigger | N/A |
Production.vProductAndDescription | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductCategoryID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ProductCategory records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Category description. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductCategory'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ProductCategory_ProductCategoryID | ProductCategoryID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductCategory', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductCategory_ProductCategoryID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductCategoryID |
AK_ProductCategory_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_ProductCategory_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductCategory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductCategory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductCategory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductCategory', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductCategory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID | |
StartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Product cost start date. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Product cost end date. | |
StandardCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Standard cost of the product. | ([StandardCost]>=(0.00)) |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductCostHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductCostHistory_ProductID_StartDate | ProductID, StartDate |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductCostHistory', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductCostHistory.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductCostHistory_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductCostHistory', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductCostHistory_ProductID_StartDate | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductID, StartDate |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductCostHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductCostHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductCostHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductCostHistory', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost | scalar function | N/A |
Production.CK_ProductCostHistory_EndDate | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_ProductCostHistory_StandardCost | check cns | N/A |
Production.uProductCostHistory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductDescriptionID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ProductDescription records. | |
Description | nvarchar | 400 | | | Not null | Description of the product. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductDescription'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ProductDescription_ProductDescriptionID | ProductDescriptionID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductDescription', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductDescription_ProductDescriptionID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductDescriptionID |
AK_ProductDescription_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductDescription', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductDescription | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductDescription table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductDescription', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductDescription | trigger | N/A |
Production.vProductAndDescription | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
DocumentID | int | | | | Not null | Document identification number. Foreign key to Document.DocumentID. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductDocument'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductDocument_ProductID_DocumentID | ProductID, DocumentID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductDocument', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductDocument.DocumentID | Document.DocumentID | FK_ProductDocument_Document_DocumentID |
ProductDocument.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductDocument_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductDocument', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductDocument_ProductID_DocumentID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductID, DocumentID |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductDocument', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductDocument | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductDocument table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductDocument', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductDocument | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
LocationID | smallint | | | | Not null | Inventory location identification number. Foreign key to Location.LocationID. | |
Shelf | nvarchar | 10 | | | Not null | Storage compartment within an inventory location. | ([Shelf] like '[A-Za-z]' OR [Shelf]='N/A') |
Bin | tinyint | | | | Not null | Storage container on a shelf in an inventory location. | ([Bin]>=(0) AND [Bin]<=(100)) |
Quantity | smallint | | | (0) | Not null | Quantity of products in the inventory location. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductInventory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductInventory_ProductID_LocationID | ProductID, LocationID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductInventory', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductInventory.LocationID | Location.LocationID | FK_ProductInventory_Location_LocationID |
ProductInventory.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductInventory_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductInventory', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductInventory_ProductID_LocationID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductID, LocationID |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductInventory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductInventory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductInventory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductInventory', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetStock | scalar function | N/A |
Production.CK_ProductInventory_Bin | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_ProductInventory_Shelf | check cns | N/A |
Production.uProductInventory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID | |
StartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | List price start date. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Null | List price end date | |
ListPrice | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Product list price. | ([ListPrice]>(0.00)) |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductListPriceHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductListPriceHistory_ProductID_StartDate | ProductID, StartDate |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductListPriceHistory', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductListPriceHistory.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductListPriceHistory_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductListPriceHistory', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductListPriceHistory_ProductID_StartDate | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductID, StartDate |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductListPriceHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductListPriceHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductListPriceHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductListPriceHistory', 5 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice | scalar function | N/A |
dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice | scalar function | N/A |
Production.CK_ProductListPriceHistory_EndDate | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_ProductListPriceHistory_ListPrice | check cns | N/A |
Production.uProductListPriceHistory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductModelID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ProductModel records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Product model description. | |
CatalogDescription | xml | | | | Null | Detailed product catalog information in xml format. | |
Instructions | xml | | | | Null | Manufacturing instructions in xml format. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductModel'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ProductModel_ProductModelID | ProductModelID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductModel', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductModel_ProductModelID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductModelID |
AK_ProductModel_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_ProductModel_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductModel', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductModel | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductModel table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductModel', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductModel | trigger | N/A |
Production.vProductAndDescription | view | N/A |
Production.vProductModelCatalogDescription | view | N/A |
Production.vProductModelInstructions | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductModelID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID. | |
IllustrationID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Illustration.IllustrationID. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductModelIllustration'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductModelIllustration_ProductModelID_IllustrationID | ProductModelID, IllustrationID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductModelIllustration', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductModelIllustration.IllustrationID | Illustration.IllustrationID | FK_ProductModelIllustration_Illustration_IllustrationID |
ProductModelIllustration.ProductModelID | ProductModel.ProductModelID | FK_ProductModelIllustration_ProductModel_ProductModelID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductModelIllustration', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductModelIllustration_ProductModelID_IllustrationID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductModelID, IllustrationID |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductModelIllustration', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductModelIllustration | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductModelIllustration table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductModelIllustration', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductModelIllustration | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductModelID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID. | |
ProductDescriptionID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to ProductDescription.ProductDescriptionID. | |
CultureID | nchar | 6 | | | Not null | Culture identification number. Foreign key to Culture.CultureID. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductModelID_ProductDescriptionID_CultureID | ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture.CultureID | Culture.CultureID | FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_Culture_CultureID |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture.ProductDescriptionID | ProductDescription.ProductDescriptionID | FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductDescription_ProductDescriptionID |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture.ProductModelID | ProductModel.ProductModelID | FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductModel_ProductModelID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductModelID_ProductDescriptionID_CultureID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductModelProductDescriptionCulture | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductModelProductDescriptionCulture | trigger | N/A |
Production.vProductAndDescription | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductPhotoID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ProductPhoto records. | |
ThumbNailPhoto | varbinary | | | | Null | Small image of the product. | |
ThumbnailPhotoFileName | nvarchar | 50 | | | Null | Small image file name. | |
LargePhoto | varbinary | | | | Null | Large image of the product. | |
LargePhotoFileName | nvarchar | 50 | | | Null | Large image file name. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductPhoto'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ProductPhoto_ProductPhotoID | ProductPhotoID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductPhoto', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductPhoto_ProductPhotoID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductPhotoID |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductPhoto', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductPhoto | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductPhoto table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductPhoto', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductPhoto | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
ProductPhotoID | int | | | | Not null | Product photo identification number. Foreign key to ProductPhoto.ProductPhotoID. | |
Primary | Flag | | bit | (0) | Not null | 0 = Photo is not the principal image. 1 = Photo is the principal image. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductProductPhoto'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductProductPhoto_ProductID_ProductPhotoID | ProductID, ProductPhotoID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductProductPhoto', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductProductPhoto.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductProductPhoto_Product_ProductID |
ProductProductPhoto.ProductPhotoID | ProductPhoto.ProductPhotoID | FK_ProductProductPhoto_ProductPhoto_ProductPhotoID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductProductPhoto', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductProductPhoto_ProductID_ProductPhotoID | Nonclustered index created by a primary key constraint. | No | Yes | ProductID, ProductPhotoID |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductProductPhoto', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductProductPhoto | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductProductPhoto table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductProductPhoto', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductProductPhoto | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductReviewID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ProductReview records. | |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
ReviewerName | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Name of the reviewer. | |
ReviewDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date review was submitted. | |
EmailAddress | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Reviewer's e-mail address. | |
Rating | int | | | | Not null | Product rating given by the reviewer. Scale is 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating. | ([Rating]>=(1) AND [Rating]<=(5)) |
Comments | nvarchar | 3850 | | | Null | Reviewer's comments | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductReview'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ProductReview_ProductReviewID | ProductReviewID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductReview', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductReview.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductReview_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductReview', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductReview_ProductReviewID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductReviewID |
IX_ProductReview_ProductID_Name | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID, ReviewerName |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductReview', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductReview | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductReview table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductReview', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.CK_ProductReview_Rating | check cns | N/A |
Production.uProductReview | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductSubcategoryID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ProductSubcategory records. | |
ProductCategoryID | int | | | | Not null | Product category identification number. Foreign key to ProductCategory.ProductCategoryID. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Subcategory description. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ProductSubcategory'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID | ProductSubcategoryID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.ProductSubcategory', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductSubcategory.ProductCategoryID | ProductCategory.ProductCategoryID | FK_ProductSubcategory_ProductCategory_ProductCategoryID |
Indexes for table 'Production.ProductSubcategory', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductSubcategoryID |
AK_ProductSubcategory_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_ProductSubcategory_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Production.ProductSubcategory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductSubcategory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductSubcategory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ProductSubcategory', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uProductSubcategory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ScrapReasonID | smallint identity | | smallint | | Not null | Primary key for ScrapReason records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Failure description. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.ScrapReason'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ScrapReason_ScrapReasonID | ScrapReasonID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.ScrapReason', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ScrapReason_ScrapReasonID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ScrapReasonID |
AK_ScrapReason_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Production.ScrapReason', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uScrapReason | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ScrapReason table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.ScrapReason', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uScrapReason | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
TransactionID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for TransactionHistory records. | |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
ReferenceOrderID | int | | | | Not null | Purchase order, sales order, or work order identification number. | |
ReferenceOrderLineID | int | | | (0) | Not null | Line number associated with the purchase order, sales order, or work order. | |
TransactionDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time of the transaction. | |
TransactionType | nchar | 1 | | | Not null | W = WorkOrder, S = SalesOrder, P = PurchaseOrder | (upper([TransactionType])='P' OR upper([TransactionType])='S' OR upper([TransactionType])='W') |
Quantity | int | | | | Not null | Product quantity. | |
ActualCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Product cost. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.TransactionHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_TransactionHistory_TransactionID | TransactionID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.TransactionHistory', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
TransactionHistory.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_TransactionHistory_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Production.TransactionHistory', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_TransactionHistory_TransactionID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | TransactionID |
IX_TransactionHistory_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
IX_TransactionHistory_ReferenceOrderID_ReferenceOrderLineID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ReferenceOrderID, ReferenceOrderLineID |
Triggers for table 'Production.TransactionHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uTransactionHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the TransactionHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.TransactionHistory', 7 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.CK_TransactionHistory_TransactionType | check cns | N/A |
Production.iWorkOrder | trigger | N/A |
Production.uTransactionHistory | trigger | N/A |
Production.uWorkOrder | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.iPurchaseOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uPurchaseOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Sales.iduSalesOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
TransactionID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key for TransactionHistoryArchive records. | |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
ReferenceOrderID | int | | | | Not null | Purchase order, sales order, or work order identification number. | |
ReferenceOrderLineID | int | | | (0) | Not null | Line number associated with the purchase order, sales order, or work order. | |
TransactionDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time of the transaction. | |
TransactionType | nchar | 1 | | | Not null | W = Work Order, S = Sales Order, P = Purchase Order | (upper([TransactionType])='P' OR upper([TransactionType])='S' OR upper([TransactionType])='W') |
Quantity | int | | | | Not null | Product quantity. | |
ActualCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Product cost. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.TransactionHistoryArchive'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_TransactionHistoryArchive_TransactionID | TransactionID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.TransactionHistoryArchive', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_TransactionHistoryArchive_TransactionID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | TransactionID |
IX_TransactionHistoryArchive_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
IX_TransactionHistoryArchive_ReferenceOrderID_ReferenceOrderLineID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ReferenceOrderID, ReferenceOrderLineID |
Triggers for table 'Production.TransactionHistoryArchive', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uTransactionHistoryArchive | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the TransactionHistoryArchive table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.TransactionHistoryArchive', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.CK_TransactionHistoryArchive_TransactionType | check cns | N/A |
Production.uTransactionHistoryArchive | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
UnitMeasureCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | Primary key. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Unit of measure description. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.UnitMeasure'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode | UnitMeasureCode |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Production.UnitMeasure', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | UnitMeasureCode |
AK_UnitMeasure_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Production.UnitMeasure', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uUnitMeasure | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the UnitMeasure table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.UnitMeasure', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.uUnitMeasure | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
WorkOrderID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for WorkOrder records. | |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
OrderQty | int | | | | Not null | Product quantity to build. | ([OrderQty]>(0)) |
StockedQty | int | | | | Not null | Quantity built and put in inventory. | |
ScrappedQty | smallint | | | | Not null | Quantity that failed inspection. | ([ScrappedQty]>=(0)) |
StartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Work order start date. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Work order end date. | |
DueDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Work order due date. | |
ScrapReasonID | smallint | | | | Null | Reason for inspection failure. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.WorkOrder'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID | WorkOrderID |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.WorkOrder', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
WorkOrder.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_WorkOrder_Product_ProductID |
WorkOrder.ScrapReasonID | ScrapReason.ScrapReasonID | FK_WorkOrder_ScrapReason_ScrapReasonID |
Indexes for table 'Production.WorkOrder', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | WorkOrderID |
IX_WorkOrder_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
IX_WorkOrder_ScrapReasonID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ScrapReasonID |
Triggers for table 'Production.WorkOrder', 2 items
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
iWorkOrder | AFTER INSERT trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table. | after Insert | Yes |
uWorkOrder | AFTER UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in the WorkOrder table. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.WorkOrder', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.WorkOrder | user table | OrderQty |
Production.WorkOrder | user table | ScrappedQty |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
WorkOrderID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to WorkOrder.WorkOrderID. | |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
OperationSequence | smallint | | | | Not null | Primary key. Indicates the manufacturing process sequence. | |
LocationID | smallint | | | | Not null | Manufacturing location where the part is processed. Foreign key to Location.LocationID. | |
ScheduledStartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Planned manufacturing start date. | |
ScheduledEndDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Planned manufacturing end date. | |
ActualStartDate | datetime | | | | Null | Actual start date. | |
ActualEndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Actual end date. | |
ActualResourceHrs | decimal | 9,4 | | | Null | Number of manufacturing hours used. | ([ActualResourceHrs]>=(0.0000)) |
PlannedCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Estimated manufacturing cost. | ([PlannedCost]>(0.00)) |
ActualCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Null | Actual manufacturing cost. | ([ActualCost]>(0.00)) |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Production.WorkOrderRouting'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrderID_ProductID_OperationSequence | WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence |
Foreign keys for table 'Production.WorkOrderRouting', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
WorkOrderRouting.LocationID | Location.LocationID | FK_WorkOrderRouting_Location_LocationID |
WorkOrderRouting.WorkOrderID | WorkOrder.WorkOrderID | FK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID |
Indexes for table 'Production.WorkOrderRouting', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrderID_ProductID_OperationSequence | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence |
IX_WorkOrderRouting_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
Triggers for table 'Production.WorkOrderRouting', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uWorkOrderRouting | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the WorkOrderRouting table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Production.WorkOrderRouting', 6 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.CK_WorkOrderRouting_ActualCost | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_WorkOrderRouting_ActualEndDate | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_WorkOrderRouting_ActualResourceHrs | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_WorkOrderRouting_PlannedCost | check cns | N/A |
Production.CK_WorkOrderRouting_ScheduledEndDate | check cns | N/A |
Production.uWorkOrderRouting | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
VendorID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Vendor.VendorID. | |
AverageLeadTime | int | | | | Not null | The average span of time (in days) between placing an order with the vendor and receiving the purchased product. | ([AverageLeadTime]>=(1)) |
StandardPrice | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | The vendor's usual selling price. | ([StandardPrice]>(0.00)) |
LastReceiptCost | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Null | The selling price when last purchased. | ([LastReceiptCost]>(0.00)) |
LastReceiptDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the product was last received by the vendor. | |
MinOrderQty | int | | | | Not null | The maximum quantity that should be ordered. | ([MinOrderQty]>=(1)) |
MaxOrderQty | int | | | | Not null | The minimum quantity that should be ordered. | ([MaxOrderQty]>=(1)) |
OnOrderQty | int | | | | Null | The quantity currently on order. | ([OnOrderQty]>=(0)) |
UnitMeasureCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | The product's unit of measure. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.ProductVendor'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ProductVendor_ProductID_VendorID | ProductID, VendorID |
Foreign keys for table 'Purchasing.ProductVendor', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ProductVendor.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ProductVendor_Product_ProductID |
ProductVendor.UnitMeasureCode | UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode | FK_ProductVendor_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode |
ProductVendor.VendorID | Vendor.VendorID | FK_ProductVendor_Vendor_VendorID |
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.ProductVendor', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ProductVendor_ProductID_VendorID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ProductID, VendorID |
IX_ProductVendor_UnitMeasureCode | Nonclustered index. | No | No | UnitMeasureCode |
IX_ProductVendor_VendorID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | VendorID |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.ProductVendor', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uProductVendor | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ProductVendor table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.ProductVendor', 7 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Purchasing.CK_ProductVendor_AverageLeadTime | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.CK_ProductVendor_LastReceiptCost | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.CK_ProductVendor_MaxOrderQty | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.CK_ProductVendor_MinOrderQty | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.CK_ProductVendor_OnOrderQty | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.CK_ProductVendor_StandardPrice | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.uProductVendor | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
PurchaseOrderID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to PurchaseOrderHeader.PurchaseOrderID. | |
PurchaseOrderDetailID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key. One line number per purchased product. | |
DueDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date the product is expected to be received. | |
OrderQty | smallint | | | | Not null | Quantity ordered. | ([OrderQty]>(0)) |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
UnitPrice | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Vendor's selling price of a single product. | ([UnitPrice]>=(0.00)) |
LineTotal | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Per product subtotal. Computed as OrderQty * UnitPrice. | |
ReceivedQty | decimal | 8,2 | | | Not null | Quantity actually received from the vendor. | ([ReceivedQty]>=(0.00)) |
RejectedQty | decimal | 8,2 | | | Not null | Quantity rejected during inspection. | ([RejectedQty]>=(0.00)) |
StockedQty | decimal | 9,2 | | | Not null | Quantity accepted into inventory. Computed as ReceivedQty - RejectedQty. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_PurchaseOrderDetail_PurchaseOrderID_PurchaseOrderDetailID | PurchaseOrderID, PurchaseOrderDetailID |
Foreign keys for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
PurchaseOrderDetail.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_Product_ProductID |
PurchaseOrderDetail.PurchaseOrderID | PurchaseOrderHeader.PurchaseOrderID | FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID |
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_PurchaseOrderDetail_PurchaseOrderID_PurchaseOrderDetailID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | PurchaseOrderID, PurchaseOrderDetailID |
IX_PurchaseOrderDetail_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail', 2 items
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
iPurchaseOrderDetail | AFTER INSERT trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table and updates the PurchaseOrderHeader.SubTotal column. | after Insert | Yes |
uPurchaseOrderDetail | AFTER UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in PurchaseOrderDetail and updates the PurchaseOrderHeader.SubTotal column. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail | user table | OrderQty |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail | user table | UnitPrice |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail | user table | ReceivedQty |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail | user table | RejectedQty |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
PurchaseOrderID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key. | |
RevisionNumber | tinyint | | | (0) | Not null | Incremental number to track changes to the purchase order over time. | |
Status | tinyint | | | (1) | Not null | Order current status. 1 = Pending; 2 = Approved; 3 = Rejected; 4 = Complete | ([Status]>=(1) AND [Status]<=(4)) |
EmployeeID | int | | | | Not null | Employee who created the purchase order. Foreign key to Employee.EmployeeID. | |
VendorID | int | | | | Not null | Vendor with whom the purchase order is placed. Foreign key to Vendor.VendorID. | |
ShipMethodID | int | | | | Not null | Shipping method. Foreign key to ShipMethod.ShipMethodID. | |
OrderDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Purchase order creation date. | |
ShipDate | datetime | | | | Null | Estimated shipment date from the vendor. | |
SubTotal | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Purchase order subtotal. Computed as SUM(PurchaseOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate PurchaseOrderID. | ([SubTotal]>=(0.00)) |
TaxAmt | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Tax amount. | ([TaxAmt]>=(0.00)) |
Freight | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Shipping cost. | ([Freight]>=(0.00)) |
TotalDue | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Total due to vendor. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID | PurchaseOrderID |
Foreign keys for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
PurchaseOrderHeader.EmployeeID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Employee_EmployeeID |
PurchaseOrderHeader.ShipMethodID | ShipMethod.ShipMethodID | FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID |
PurchaseOrderHeader.VendorID | Vendor.VendorID | FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Vendor_VendorID |
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | PurchaseOrderID |
IX_PurchaseOrderHeader_EmployeeID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | EmployeeID |
IX_PurchaseOrderHeader_VendorID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | VendorID |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uPurchaseOrderHeader | AFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the PurchaseOrderHeader table. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader | user table | SubTotal |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader | user table | TaxAmt |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader | user table | Freight |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ShipMethodID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ShipMethod records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Shipping company name. | |
ShipBase | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Minimum shipping charge. | ([ShipBase]>(0.00)) |
ShipRate | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Shipping charge per pound. | ([ShipRate]>(0.00)) |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.ShipMethod'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID | ShipMethodID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.ShipMethod', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ShipMethodID |
AK_ShipMethod_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_ShipMethod_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.ShipMethod', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uShipMethod | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ShipMethod table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.ShipMethod', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Purchasing.CK_ShipMethod_ShipBase | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.CK_ShipMethod_ShipRate | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.uShipMethod | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
VendorID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Vendor records. | |
AccountNumber | AccountNumber | | nvarchar(15) | | Not null | Vendor account (identification) number. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Company name. | |
CreditRating | tinyint | | | | Not null | 1 = Superior, 2 = Excellent, 3 = Above average, 4 = Average, 5 = Below average | ([CreditRating]>=(1) AND [CreditRating]<=(5)) |
PreferredVendorStatus | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = Do not use if another vendor is available. 1 = Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product. | |
ActiveFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = Vendor no longer used. 1 = Vendor is actively used. | |
PurchasingWebServiceURL | nvarchar | 1024 | | | Null | Vendor URL. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.Vendor'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Vendor_VendorID | VendorID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.Vendor', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Vendor_VendorID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | VendorID |
AK_Vendor_AccountNumber | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | AccountNumber |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.Vendor', 2 items
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
dVendor | INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger which keeps Vendors from being deleted. | instead of Delete | Yes |
uVendor | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Vendor table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.Vendor', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Purchasing.CK_Vendor_CreditRating | check cns | N/A |
Purchasing.uVendor | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
VendorID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Vendor.VendorID. | |
AddressID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. | |
AddressTypeID | int | | | | Not null | Address type. Foreign key to AddressType.AddressTypeID. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.VendorAddress'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_VendorAddress_VendorID_AddressID | VendorID, AddressID |
Foreign keys for table 'Purchasing.VendorAddress', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
VendorAddress.AddressID | Address.AddressID | FK_VendorAddress_Address_AddressID |
VendorAddress.AddressTypeID | AddressType.AddressTypeID | FK_VendorAddress_AddressType_AddressTypeID |
VendorAddress.VendorID | Vendor.VendorID | FK_VendorAddress_Vendor_VendorID |
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.VendorAddress', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_VendorAddress_VendorID_AddressID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | VendorID, AddressID |
IX_VendorAddress_AddressID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | AddressID |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.VendorAddress', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uVendorAddress | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the VendorAddress table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.VendorAddress', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Purchasing.uVendorAddress | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
VendorID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. | |
ContactID | int | | | | Not null | Contact (Vendor employee) identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. | |
ContactTypeID | int | | | | Not null | Contact type such as sales manager, or sales agent. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Purchasing.VendorContact'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_VendorContact_VendorID_ContactID | VendorID, ContactID |
Foreign keys for table 'Purchasing.VendorContact', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
VendorContact.ContactID | Contact.ContactID | FK_VendorContact_Contact_ContactID |
VendorContact.ContactTypeID | ContactType.ContactTypeID | FK_VendorContact_ContactType_ContactTypeID |
VendorContact.VendorID | Vendor.VendorID | FK_VendorContact_Vendor_VendorID |
Indexes for table 'Purchasing.VendorContact', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_VendorContact_VendorID_ContactID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | VendorID, ContactID |
IX_VendorContact_ContactID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ContactID |
IX_VendorContact_ContactTypeID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ContactTypeID |
Triggers for table 'Purchasing.VendorContact', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uVendorContact | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the VendorContact table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Purchasing.VendorContact', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | table function | N/A |
Purchasing.uVendorContact | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.vVendor | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ContactID | int | | | | Not null | Customer identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. | |
CreditCardID | int | | | | Not null | Credit card identification number. Foreign key to CreditCard.CreditCardID. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.ContactCreditCard'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_ContactCreditCard_ContactID_CreditCardID | ContactID, CreditCardID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.ContactCreditCard', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ContactCreditCard.ContactID | Contact.ContactID | FK_ContactCreditCard_Contact_ContactID |
ContactCreditCard.CreditCardID | CreditCard.CreditCardID | FK_ContactCreditCard_CreditCard_CreditCardID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.ContactCreditCard', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ContactCreditCard_ContactID_CreditCardID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ContactID, CreditCardID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.ContactCreditCard', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uContactCreditCard | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ContactCreditCard table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.ContactCreditCard', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uContactCreditCard | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CountryRegionCode | nvarchar | 3 | | | Not null | ISO code for countries and regions. Foreign key to CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode. | |
CurrencyCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | ISO standard currency code. Foreign key to Currency.CurrencyCode. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.CountryRegionCurrency'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_CountryRegionCurrency_CountryRegionCode_CurrencyCode | CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.CountryRegionCurrency', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
CountryRegionCurrency.CountryRegionCode | CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode | FK_CountryRegionCurrency_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode |
CountryRegionCurrency.CurrencyCode | Currency.CurrencyCode | FK_CountryRegionCurrency_Currency_CurrencyCode |
Indexes for table 'Sales.CountryRegionCurrency', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_CountryRegionCurrency_CountryRegionCode_CurrencyCode | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode |
IX_CountryRegionCurrency_CurrencyCode | Nonclustered index. | No | No | CurrencyCode |
Triggers for table 'Sales.CountryRegionCurrency', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCountryRegionCurrency | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the CountryRegionCurrency table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.CountryRegionCurrency', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uCountryRegionCurrency | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CreditCardID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for CreditCard records. | |
CardType | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Credit card name. | |
CardNumber | nvarchar | 25 | | | Not null | Credit card number. | |
ExpMonth | tinyint | | | | Not null | Credit card expiration month. | |
ExpYear | smallint | | | | Not null | Credit card expiration year. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.CreditCard'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_CreditCard_CreditCardID | CreditCardID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Sales.CreditCard', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_CreditCard_CreditCardID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CreditCardID |
AK_CreditCard_CardNumber | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | CardNumber |
Triggers for table 'Sales.CreditCard', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCreditCard | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the CreditCard table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.CreditCard', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uCreditCard | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CurrencyCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | The ISO code for the Currency. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Currency name. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.Currency'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Currency_CurrencyCode | CurrencyCode |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Sales.Currency', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Currency_CurrencyCode | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CurrencyCode |
AK_Currency_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
Triggers for table 'Sales.Currency', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCurrency | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Currency table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.Currency', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uCurrency | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CurrencyRateID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for CurrencyRate records. | |
CurrencyRateDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date and time the exchange rate was obtained. | |
FromCurrencyCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | Exchange rate was converted from this currency code. | |
ToCurrencyCode | nchar | 3 | | | Not null | Exchange rate was converted to this currency code. | |
AverageRate | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Average exchange rate for the day. | |
EndOfDayRate | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Final exchange rate for the day. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.CurrencyRate'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID | CurrencyRateID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.CurrencyRate', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
CurrencyRate.FromCurrencyCode | Currency.CurrencyCode | FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode |
CurrencyRate.ToCurrencyCode | Currency.CurrencyCode | FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode |
Indexes for table 'Sales.CurrencyRate', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CurrencyRateID |
AK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateDate_FromCurrencyCode_ToCurrencyCode | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | CurrencyRateDate, FromCurrencyCode, ToCurrencyCode |
Triggers for table 'Sales.CurrencyRate', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCurrencyRate | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the CurrencyRate table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.CurrencyRate', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uCurrencyRate | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CustomerID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for Customer records. | |
TerritoryID | int | | | | Null | ID of the territory in which the customer is located. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. | |
AccountNumber | varchar | 10 | | | Not null | Unique number identifying the customer assigned by the accounting system. | |
CustomerType | nchar | 1 | | | Not null | Customer type: I = Individual, S = Store | (upper([CustomerType])='I' OR upper([CustomerType])='S') |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.Customer'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Customer_CustomerID | CustomerID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.Customer', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
Customer.TerritoryID | SalesTerritory.TerritoryID | FK_Customer_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.Customer', 4 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Customer_CustomerID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CustomerID |
AK_Customer_AccountNumber | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | AccountNumber |
AK_Customer_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_Customer_TerritoryID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | TerritoryID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.Customer', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCustomer | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Customer table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.Customer', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnLeadingZeros | scalar function | N/A |
Sales.Customer | user table | CustomerID |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CustomerID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. | |
AddressID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. | |
AddressTypeID | int | | | | Not null | Address type. Foreign key to AddressType.AddressTypeID. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.CustomerAddress'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_CustomerAddress_CustomerID_AddressID | CustomerID, AddressID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.CustomerAddress', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
CustomerAddress.AddressID | Address.AddressID | FK_CustomerAddress_Address_AddressID |
CustomerAddress.AddressTypeID | AddressType.AddressTypeID | FK_CustomerAddress_AddressType_AddressTypeID |
CustomerAddress.CustomerID | Customer.CustomerID | FK_CustomerAddress_Customer_CustomerID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.CustomerAddress', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_CustomerAddress_CustomerID_AddressID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CustomerID, AddressID |
AK_CustomerAddress_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Sales.CustomerAddress', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uCustomerAddress | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the CustomerAddress table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.CustomerAddress', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uCustomerAddress | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CustomerID | int | | | | Not null | Unique customer identification number. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. | |
ContactID | int | | | | Not null | Identifies the customer in the Contact table. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. | |
Demographics | xml | | | | Null | Personal information such as hobbies, and income collected from online shoppers. Used for sales analysis. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.Individual'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Individual_CustomerID | CustomerID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.Individual', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
Individual.ContactID | Contact.ContactID | FK_Individual_Contact_ContactID |
Individual.CustomerID | Customer.CustomerID | FK_Individual_Customer_CustomerID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.Individual', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Individual_CustomerID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CustomerID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.Individual', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
iuIndividual | AFTER INSERT, UPDATE trigger inserting Individual only if the Customer does not exist in the Store table and setting the ModifiedDate column in the Individual table to the current date. | after Insert Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.Individual', 6 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | table function | N/A |
Sales.iduSalesOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Sales.iStore | trigger | N/A |
Sales.iuIndividual | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | view | N/A |
Sales.vIndividualDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesOrderID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID. | |
SalesOrderDetailID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key. One incremental unique number per product sold. | |
CarrierTrackingNumber | nvarchar | 25 | | | Null | Shipment tracking number supplied by the shipper. | |
OrderQty | smallint | | | | Not null | Quantity ordered per product. | ([OrderQty]>(0)) |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product sold to customer. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
SpecialOfferID | int | | | | Not null | Promotional code. Foreign key to SpecialOffer.SpecialOfferID. | |
UnitPrice | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Selling price of a single product. | ([UnitPrice]>=(0.00)) |
UnitPriceDiscount | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.0) | Not null | Discount amount. | ([UnitPriceDiscount]>=(0.00)) |
LineTotal | numeric | 38,6 | | | Not null | Per product subtotal. Computed as UnitPrice * (1 - UnitPriceDiscount) * OrderQty. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesOrderDetail'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID | SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesOrderDetail', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID | SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID | FK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID |
SalesOrderDetail.SpecialOfferID | SpecialOfferProduct.SpecialOfferID | FK_SalesOrderDetail_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferIDProductID |
SalesOrderDetail.ProductID | SpecialOfferProduct.ProductID | FK_SalesOrderDetail_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferIDProductID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesOrderDetail', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID |
AK_SalesOrderDetail_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_SalesOrderDetail_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesOrderDetail', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
iduSalesOrderDetail | AFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in SalesOrderDetail and updates the SalesOrderHeader.SubTotal column. | after Insert Update Delete | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesOrderDetail', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.SalesOrderDetail | user table | OrderQty |
Sales.SalesOrderDetail | user table | UnitPrice |
Sales.SalesOrderDetail | user table | UnitPriceDiscount |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesOrderID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key. | |
RevisionNumber | tinyint | | | (0) | Not null | Incremental number to track changes to the sales order over time. | |
OrderDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Dates the sales order was created. | |
DueDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date the order is due to the customer. | |
ShipDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the order was shipped to the customer. | |
Status | tinyint | | | (1) | Not null | Order current status. 1 = In process; 2 = Approved; 3 = Backordered; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Shipped; 6 = Cancelled | ([Status]>=(0) AND [Status]<=(8)) |
OnlineOrderFlag | Flag | | bit | (1) | Not null | 0 = Order placed by sales person. 1 = Order placed online by customer. | |
SalesOrderNumber | nvarchar | 25 | | | Not null | Unique sales order identification number. | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | OrderNumber | | nvarchar(25) | | Null | Customer purchase order number reference. | |
AccountNumber | AccountNumber | | nvarchar(15) | | Null | Financial accounting number reference. | |
CustomerID | int | | | | Not null | Customer identification number. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. | |
ContactID | int | | | | Not null | Customer contact identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. | |
SalesPersonID | int | | | | Null | Sales person who created the sales order. Foreign key to SalesPerson.SalePersonID. | |
TerritoryID | int | | | | Null | Territory in which the sale was made. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. | |
BillToAddressID | int | | | | Not null | Customer billing address. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. | |
ShipToAddressID | int | | | | Not null | Customer shipping address. Foreign key to Address.AddressID. | |
ShipMethodID | int | | | | Not null | Shipping method. Foreign key to ShipMethod.ShipMethodID. | |
CreditCardID | int | | | | Null | Credit card identification number. Foreign key to CreditCard.CreditCardID. | |
CreditCardApprovalCode | varchar | 15 | | | Null | Approval code provided by the credit card company. | |
CurrencyRateID | int | | | | Null | Currency exchange rate used. Foreign key to CurrencyRate.CurrencyRateID. | |
SubTotal | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Sales subtotal. Computed as SUM(SalesOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate SalesOrderID. | ([SubTotal]>=(0.00)) |
TaxAmt | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Tax amount. | ([TaxAmt]>=(0.00)) |
Freight | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Shipping cost. | ([Freight]>=(0.00)) |
TotalDue | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Total due from customer. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. | |
Comment | nvarchar | 128 | | | Null | Sales representative comments. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeader'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID | SalesOrderID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeader', 9 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesOrderHeader.BillToAddressID | Address.AddressID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_BillToAddressID |
SalesOrderHeader.ShipToAddressID | Address.AddressID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_ShipToAddressID |
SalesOrderHeader.ContactID | Contact.ContactID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_Contact_ContactID |
SalesOrderHeader.ShipMethodID | ShipMethod.ShipMethodID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID |
SalesOrderHeader.CreditCardID | CreditCard.CreditCardID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_CreditCard_CreditCardID |
SalesOrderHeader.CurrencyRateID | CurrencyRate.CurrencyRateID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID |
SalesOrderHeader.CustomerID | Customer.CustomerID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_Customer_CustomerID |
SalesOrderHeader.SalesPersonID | SalesPerson.SalesPersonID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID |
SalesOrderHeader.TerritoryID | SalesTerritory.TerritoryID | FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeader', 5 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesOrderID |
AK_SalesOrderHeader_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | SalesOrderNumber |
IX_SalesOrderHeader_CustomerID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | CustomerID |
IX_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPersonID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | SalesPersonID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeader', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesOrderHeader | AFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the SalesOrderHeader table.Updates the SalesYTD column in the SalesPerson and SalesTerritory tables. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeader', 4 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.SalesOrderHeader | user table | SalesOrderID |
Sales.SalesOrderHeader | user table | SubTotal |
Sales.SalesOrderHeader | user table | TaxAmt |
Sales.SalesOrderHeader | user table | Freight |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesOrderID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID. | |
SalesReasonID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to SalesReason.SalesReasonID. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesOrderID_SalesReasonID | SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason.SalesOrderID | SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID | FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID |
SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason.SalesReasonID | SalesReason.SalesReasonID | FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesOrderID_SalesReasonID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesOrderHeaderSalesReason | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uSalesOrderHeaderSalesReason | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesPersonID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key for SalesPerson records. | |
TerritoryID | int | | | | Null | Territory currently assigned to. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. | |
SalesQuota | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Null | Projected yearly sales. | ([SalesQuota]>(0.00)) |
Bonus | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Bonus due if quota is met. | ([Bonus]>=(0.00)) |
CommissionPct | smallmoney | 10,4 | decimal(10,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Commision percent received per sale. | ([CommissionPct]>=(0.00)) |
SalesYTD | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Sales total year to date. | ([SalesYTD]>=(0.00)) |
SalesLastYear | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Sales total of previous year. | ([SalesLastYear]>=(0.00)) |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesPerson'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID | SalesPersonID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesPerson', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesPerson.SalesPersonID | Employee.EmployeeID | FK_SalesPerson_Employee_SalesPersonID |
SalesPerson.TerritoryID | SalesTerritory.TerritoryID | FK_SalesPerson_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesPerson', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesPersonID |
AK_SalesPerson_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesPerson', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesPerson | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesPerson table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesPerson', 9 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_SalesPerson_Bonus | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesPerson_CommissionPct | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesPerson_SalesLastYear | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesPerson_SalesQuota | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesPerson_SalesYTD | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uSalesOrderHeader | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesPerson | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesPersonID | int | | | | Not null | Sales person identification number. Foreign key to SalesPerson.SalesPersonID. | |
QuotaDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Sales quota date. | |
SalesQuota | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | | Not null | Sales quota amount. | ([SalesQuota]>(0.00)) |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesPersonID_QuotaDate | SalesPersonID, QuotaDate |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesPersonQuotaHistory.SalesPersonID | SalesPerson.SalesPersonID | FK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesPersonID_QuotaDate | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesPersonID, QuotaDate |
AK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesPersonQuotaHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesPersonQuotaHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesQuota | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uSalesPersonQuotaHistory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesReasonID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for SalesReason records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Sales reason description. | |
ReasonType | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Category the sales reason belongs to. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesReason'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_SalesReason_SalesReasonID | SalesReasonID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesReason', 1 item
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesReason_SalesReasonID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesReasonID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesReason', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesReason | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesReason table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesReason', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uSalesReason | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesTaxRateID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for SalesTaxRate records. | |
StateProvinceID | int | | | | Not null | State, province, or country/region the sales tax applies to. | |
TaxType | tinyint | | | | Not null | 1 = Tax applied to retail transactions, 2 = Tax applied to wholesale transactions, 3 = Tax applied to all sales (retail and wholesale) transactions. | ([TaxType]>=(1) AND [TaxType]<=(3)) |
TaxRate | smallmoney | 10,4 | decimal(10,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Tax rate amount. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Tax rate description. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesTaxRate'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_SalesTaxRate_SalesTaxRateID | SalesTaxRateID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesTaxRate', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesTaxRate.StateProvinceID | StateProvince.StateProvinceID | FK_SalesTaxRate_StateProvince_StateProvinceID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesTaxRate', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesTaxRate_SalesTaxRateID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesTaxRateID |
AK_SalesTaxRate_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
AK_SalesTaxRate_StateProvinceID_TaxType | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | StateProvinceID, TaxType |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesTaxRate', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesTaxRate | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesTaxRate table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesTaxRate', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_SalesTaxRate_TaxType | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uSalesTaxRate | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
TerritoryID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for SalesTerritory records. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Sales territory description | |
CountryRegionCode | nvarchar | 3 | | | Not null | ISO standard country or region code. Foreign key to CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode. | |
Group | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Geographic area to which the sales territory belong. | |
SalesYTD | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Sales in the territory year to date. | ([SalesYTD]>=(0.00)) |
SalesLastYear | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Sales in the territory the previous year. | ([SalesLastYear]>=(0.00)) |
CostYTD | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Business costs in the territory year to date. | ([CostYTD]>=(0.00)) |
CostLastYear | money | 19,4 | decimal(19,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Business costs in the territory the previous year. | ([CostLastYear]>=(0.00)) |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesTerritory'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID | TerritoryID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesTerritory', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | TerritoryID |
AK_SalesTerritory_Name | Unique nonclustered index. | No | Yes | Name |
AK_SalesTerritory_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesTerritory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesTerritory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesTerritory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesTerritory', 8 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_SalesTerritory_CostLastYear | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesTerritory_CostYTD | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesTerritory_SalesLastYear | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SalesTerritory_SalesYTD | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uSalesOrderHeader | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesTerritory | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPerson | view | N/A |
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SalesPersonID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key for SalesTerritoryHistory records. | |
TerritoryID | int | | | | Not null | Territory identification number. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. | |
StartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Date the sales representive started work in the territory. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Null | Date the sales representative left work in the territory. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SalesTerritoryHistory'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPersonID_StartDate_TerritoryID | SalesPersonID, StartDate, TerritoryID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SalesTerritoryHistory', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SalesTerritoryHistory.SalesPersonID | SalesPerson.SalesPersonID | FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID |
SalesTerritoryHistory.TerritoryID | SalesTerritory.TerritoryID | FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SalesTerritoryHistory', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPersonID_StartDate_TerritoryID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SalesPersonID, StartDate, TerritoryID |
AK_SalesTerritoryHistory_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SalesTerritoryHistory', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSalesTerritoryHistory | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SalesTerritoryHistory table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SalesTerritoryHistory', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_SalesTerritoryHistory_EndDate | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uSalesTerritoryHistory | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
ShoppingCartItemID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for ShoppingCartItem records. | |
ShoppingCartID | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Shopping cart identification number. | |
Quantity | int | | | (1) | Not null | Product quantity ordered. | ([Quantity]>=(1)) |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product ordered. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
DateCreated | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date the time the record was created. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.ShoppingCartItem'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_ShoppingCartItem_ShoppingCartItemID | ShoppingCartItemID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.ShoppingCartItem', 1 item
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
ShoppingCartItem.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_ShoppingCartItem_Product_ProductID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.ShoppingCartItem', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_ShoppingCartItem_ShoppingCartItemID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | ShoppingCartItemID |
IX_ShoppingCartItem_ShoppingCartID_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ShoppingCartID, ProductID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.ShoppingCartItem', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uShoppingCartItem | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the ShoppingCartItem table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.ShoppingCartItem', 2 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_ShoppingCartItem_Quantity | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uShoppingCartItem | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SpecialOfferID | int identity | | int | | Not null | Primary key for SpecialOffer records. | |
Description | nvarchar | 255 | | | Not null | Discount description. | |
DiscountPct | smallmoney | 10,4 | decimal(10,4) | (0.00) | Not null | Discount precentage. | ([DiscountPct]>=(0.00)) |
Type | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Discount type category. | |
Category | nvarchar | 50 | | | Not null | Group the discount applies to such as Reseller or Customer. | |
StartDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Discount start date. | |
EndDate | datetime | | | | Not null | Discount end date. | |
MinQty | int | | | (0) | Not null | Minimum discount percent allowed. | ([MinQty]>=(0)) |
MaxQty | int | | | | Null | Maximum discount percent allowed. | ([MaxQty]>=(0)) |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SpecialOffer'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID | SpecialOfferID |
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.
Indexes for table 'Sales.SpecialOffer', 2 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SpecialOfferID |
AK_SpecialOffer_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SpecialOffer', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSpecialOffer | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SpecialOffer table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SpecialOffer', 5 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.CK_SpecialOffer_DiscountPct | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SpecialOffer_EndDate | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SpecialOffer_MaxQty | check cns | N/A |
Sales.CK_SpecialOffer_MinQty | check cns | N/A |
Sales.uSpecialOffer | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
SpecialOfferID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key for SpecialOfferProduct records. | |
ProductID | int | | | | Not null | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.SpecialOfferProduct'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferID_ProductID | SpecialOfferID, ProductID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.SpecialOfferProduct', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
SpecialOfferProduct.ProductID | Product.ProductID | FK_SpecialOfferProduct_Product_ProductID |
SpecialOfferProduct.SpecialOfferID | SpecialOffer.SpecialOfferID | FK_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.SpecialOfferProduct', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferID_ProductID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | SpecialOfferID, ProductID |
AK_SpecialOfferProduct_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_SpecialOfferProduct_ProductID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ProductID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.SpecialOfferProduct', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uSpecialOfferProduct | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the SpecialOfferProduct table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.SpecialOfferProduct', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.uSpecialOfferProduct | trigger | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CustomerID | int | | | | Not null | Primary key. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. | |
Name | Name | | nvarchar(50) | | Not null | Name of the store. | |
SalesPersonID | int | | | | Null | ID of the sales person assigned to the customer. Foreign key to SalesPerson.SalesPersonID. | |
Demographics | xml | | | | Null | Demographic informationg about the store such as the number of employees, annual sales and store type. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.Store'
Primary Key Name | Field Name |
PK_Store_CustomerID | CustomerID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.Store', 2 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
Store.CustomerID | Customer.CustomerID | FK_Store_Customer_CustomerID |
Store.SalesPersonID | SalesPerson.SalesPersonID | FK_Store_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.Store', 3 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_Store_CustomerID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CustomerID |
AK_Store_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_Store_SalesPersonID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | SalesPersonID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.Store', 2 items
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
iStore | AFTER INSERT trigger inserting Store only if the Customer does not exist in the Individual table. | after Insert | Yes |
uStore | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the Store table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.Store', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.iuIndividual | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uStore | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Data Type | Size | Original Type | Default | Nullable | Description | Check |
CustomerID | int | | | | Not null | Store identification number. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. | |
ContactID | int | | | | Not null | Contact (store employee) identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID. | |
ContactTypeID | int | | | | Not null | Contact type such as owner or purchasing agent. Foreign key to ContactType.ContactTypeID. | |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | | | newid() | Not null | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. | |
ModifiedDate | datetime | | | getdate() | Not null | Date and time the record was last updated. | |
The object has no extended properties.
Primary key for table 'Sales.StoreContact'
Primary Key Name | Field Names |
PK_StoreContact_CustomerID_ContactID | CustomerID, ContactID |
Foreign keys for table 'Sales.StoreContact', 3 items
Foreign | Primary | Key Name |
StoreContact.ContactID | Contact.ContactID | FK_StoreContact_Contact_ContactID |
StoreContact.ContactTypeID | ContactType.ContactTypeID | FK_StoreContact_ContactType_ContactTypeID |
StoreContact.CustomerID | Store.CustomerID | FK_StoreContact_Store_CustomerID |
Indexes for table 'Sales.StoreContact', 4 items
Index Name | Description | Clustered | Unique | Fields |
PK_StoreContact_CustomerID_ContactID | Clustered index created by a primary key constraint. | Yes | Yes | CustomerID, ContactID |
AK_StoreContact_rowguid | Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. | No | Yes | rowguid |
IX_StoreContact_ContactID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ContactID |
IX_StoreContact_ContactTypeID | Nonclustered index. | No | No | ContactTypeID |
Triggers for table 'Sales.StoreContact', 1 item
Name | Description | Type | Enabled |
uStoreContact | AFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the StoreContact table to the current date. | after Update | Yes |
Dependencies for table 'Sales.StoreContact', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | table function | N/A |
Sales.uStoreContact | trigger | N/A |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | view | N/A |
Field Name | Type and Size |
EmployeeID | int NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
JobTitle | nvarchar(50) NOT NULL |
Phone | Phone NULL |
EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) NULL |
EmailPromotion | int NOT NULL |
AddressLine1 | nvarchar(60) NOT NULL |
AddressLine2 | nvarchar(60) NULL |
City | nvarchar(30) NOT NULL |
StateProvinceName | Name NOT NULL |
PostalCode | nvarchar(15) NOT NULL |
CountryRegionName | Name NOT NULL |
AdditionalContactInfo | xml NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
EmployeeID | int NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
JobTitle | nvarchar(50) NOT NULL |
Department | Name NOT NULL |
GroupName | Name NOT NULL |
StartDate | datetime NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
EmployeeID | int NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
Shift | Name NOT NULL |
Department | Name NOT NULL |
GroupName | Name NOT NULL |
StartDate | datetime NOT NULL |
EndDate | datetime NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
JobCandidateID | int identity NOT NULL |
EmployeeID | int NULL |
Name.Prefix | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Name.First | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Name.Middle | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Name.Last | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Name.Suffix | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Skills | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Addr.Type | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Addr.Loc.CountryRegion | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Addr.Loc.State | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Addr.Loc.City | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Addr.PostalCode | nvarchar(20) NULL |
EMail | nvarchar(max) NULL |
WebSite | nvarchar(max) NULL |
ModifiedDate | datetime NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
JobCandidateID | int identity NOT NULL |
Edu.Level | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Edu.StartDate | datetime NULL |
Edu.EndDate | datetime NULL |
Edu.Degree | nvarchar(50) NULL |
Edu.Major | nvarchar(50) NULL |
Edu.Minor | nvarchar(50) NULL |
Edu.GPA | nvarchar(5) NULL |
Edu.GPAScale | nvarchar(5) NULL |
Edu.School | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Edu.Loc.CountryRegion | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Edu.Loc.State | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Edu.Loc.City | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
JobCandidateID | int identity NOT NULL |
Emp.StartDate | datetime NULL |
Emp.EndDate | datetime NULL |
Emp.OrgName | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Emp.JobTitle | nvarchar(100) NULL |
Emp.Responsibility | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Emp.FunctionCategory | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Emp.IndustryCategory | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Emp.Loc.CountryRegion | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Emp.Loc.State | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Emp.Loc.City | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
ContactID | int identity NOT NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
TelephoneNumber | nvarchar(50) NULL |
TelephoneSpecialInstructions | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Street | nvarchar(50) NULL |
City | nvarchar(50) NULL |
StateProvince | nvarchar(50) NULL |
PostalCode | nvarchar(50) NULL |
CountryRegion | nvarchar(50) NULL |
HomeAddressSpecialInstructions | nvarchar(max) NULL |
EMailAddress | nvarchar(128) NULL |
EMailSpecialInstructions | nvarchar(max) NULL |
EMailTelephoneNumber | nvarchar(50) NULL |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier NOT NULL |
ModifiedDate | datetime NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
StateProvinceID | int NOT NULL |
StateProvinceCode | nchar(3) NOT NULL |
IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag | Flag NOT NULL |
StateProvinceName | Name NOT NULL |
TerritoryID | int NOT NULL |
CountryRegionCode | nvarchar(3) NOT NULL |
CountryRegionName | Name NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
ProductID | int NOT NULL |
Name | Name NOT NULL |
ProductModel | Name NOT NULL |
CultureID | nchar(6) NOT NULL |
Description | nvarchar(400) NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
ProductModelID | int identity NOT NULL |
Name | Name NOT NULL |
Summary | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Manufacturer | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Copyright | nvarchar(30) NULL |
ProductURL | nvarchar(256) NULL |
WarrantyPeriod | nvarchar(256) NULL |
WarrantyDescription | nvarchar(256) NULL |
NoOfYears | nvarchar(256) NULL |
MaintenanceDescription | nvarchar(256) NULL |
Wheel | nvarchar(256) NULL |
Saddle | nvarchar(256) NULL |
Pedal | nvarchar(256) NULL |
BikeFrame | nvarchar(max) NULL |
Crankset | nvarchar(256) NULL |
PictureAngle | nvarchar(256) NULL |
PictureSize | nvarchar(256) NULL |
ProductPhotoID | nvarchar(256) NULL |
Material | nvarchar(256) NULL |
Color | nvarchar(256) NULL |
ProductLine | nvarchar(256) NULL |
Style | nvarchar(256) NULL |
RiderExperience | nvarchar(1024) NULL |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier NOT NULL |
ModifiedDate | datetime NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
ProductModelID | int identity NOT NULL |
Name | Name NOT NULL |
Instructions | nvarchar(max) NULL |
LocationID | int NULL |
SetupHours | decimal(9,4) NULL |
MachineHours | decimal(9,4) NULL |
LaborHours | decimal(9,4) NULL |
LotSize | int NULL |
Step | nvarchar(1024) NULL |
rowguid | uniqueidentifier NOT NULL |
ModifiedDate | datetime NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
VendorID | int NOT NULL |
Name | Name NOT NULL |
ContactType | Name NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
Phone | Phone NULL |
EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) NULL |
EmailPromotion | int NOT NULL |
AddressLine1 | nvarchar(60) NOT NULL |
AddressLine2 | nvarchar(60) NULL |
City | nvarchar(30) NOT NULL |
StateProvinceName | Name NOT NULL |
PostalCode | nvarchar(15) NOT NULL |
CountryRegionName | Name NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
CustomerID | int NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
Phone | Phone NULL |
EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) NULL |
EmailPromotion | int NOT NULL |
AddressType | Name NOT NULL |
AddressLine1 | nvarchar(60) NOT NULL |
AddressLine2 | nvarchar(60) NULL |
City | nvarchar(30) NOT NULL |
StateProvinceName | Name NOT NULL |
PostalCode | nvarchar(15) NOT NULL |
CountryRegionName | Name NOT NULL |
Demographics | xml NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
CustomerID | int NOT NULL |
TotalPurchaseYTD | money(19,4) NULL |
DateFirstPurchase | datetime NULL |
BirthDate | datetime NULL |
MaritalStatus | nvarchar(1) NULL |
YearlyIncome | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Gender | nvarchar(1) NULL |
TotalChildren | int NULL |
NumberChildrenAtHome | int NULL |
Education | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Occupation | nvarchar(30) NULL |
HomeOwnerFlag | bit NULL |
NumberCarsOwned | int NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
SalesPersonID | int NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
JobTitle | nvarchar(50) NOT NULL |
Phone | Phone NULL |
EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) NULL |
EmailPromotion | int NOT NULL |
AddressLine1 | nvarchar(60) NOT NULL |
AddressLine2 | nvarchar(60) NULL |
City | nvarchar(30) NOT NULL |
StateProvinceName | Name NOT NULL |
PostalCode | nvarchar(15) NOT NULL |
CountryRegionName | Name NOT NULL |
TerritoryName | Name NULL |
TerritoryGroup | nvarchar(50) NULL |
SalesQuota | money(19,4) NULL |
SalesYTD | money(19,4) NOT NULL |
SalesLastYear | money(19,4) NOT NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
SalesPersonID | int NULL |
FullName | nvarchar(152) NULL |
Title | nvarchar(50) NOT NULL |
SalesTerritory | Name NOT NULL |
2002 | money(19,4) NULL |
2003 | money(19,4) NULL |
2004 | money(19,4) NULL |
Field Name | Type and Size |
CustomerID | int NOT NULL |
Name | Name NOT NULL |
ContactType | Name NOT NULL |
Title | nvarchar(8) NULL |
FirstName | Name NOT NULL |
MiddleName | Name NULL |
LastName | Name NOT NULL |
Suffix | nvarchar(10) NULL |
Phone | Phone NULL |
EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) NULL |
EmailPromotion | int NOT NULL |
AddressType | Name NOT NULL |
AddressLine1 | nvarchar(60) NOT NULL |
AddressLine2 | nvarchar(60) NULL |
City | nvarchar(30) NOT NULL |
StateProvinceName | Name NOT NULL |
PostalCode | nvarchar(15) NOT NULL |
CountryRegionName | Name NOT NULL |
AnnualSales | money(19,4) NULL |
AnnualRevenue | money(19,4) NULL |
BankName | nvarchar(50) NULL |
BusinessType | nvarchar(5) NULL |
YearOpened | int NULL |
Specialty | nvarchar(50) NULL |
SquareFeet | int NULL |
Brands | nvarchar(30) NULL |
Internet | nvarchar(30) NULL |
NumberEmployees | int NULL |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetAccountingEndDate | Scalar function used in the uSalesOrderHeader trigger to set the starting account date. | @RETURN_VALUE datetime(23) [RETURN VALUE] |
There are no Dependencies for this object.
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetAccountingStartDate | Scalar function used in the uSalesOrderHeader trigger to set the ending account date. | @RETURN_VALUE datetime(23) [RETURN VALUE] |
There are no Dependencies for this object.
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetContactInformation | Table value function returning the first name, last name, job title and contact type for a given contact. | @TABLE_RETURN_VALUE table [RESULT SET COLUMN], @ContactID int(10) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.ufnGetContactInformation', 12 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.StoreContact | user table | ContactID |
Sales.StoreContact | user table | ContactTypeID |
Person.Contact | user table | ContactID |
Person.Contact | user table | FirstName |
Person.Contact | user table | LastName |
Purchasing.VendorContact | user table | ContactID |
Purchasing.VendorContact | user table | ContactTypeID |
Person.ContactType | user table | ContactTypeID |
Person.ContactType | user table | Name |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ContactID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | Title |
Sales.Individual | user table | ContactID |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetDocumentStatusText | Scalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the Document table. | @RETURN_VALUE nvarchar(15) [RETURN VALUE], @Status tinyint(3) [INPUT] |
There are no Dependencies for this object.
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice | Scalar function returning the dealer price for a given product on a particular order date. | @RETURN_VALUE money(19) [RETURN VALUE], @ProductID int(10) [INPUT], @OrderDate datetime(23) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice', 5 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.Product | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | StartDate |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | EndDate |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | ListPrice |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice | Scalar function returning the list price for a given product on a particular order date. | @RETURN_VALUE money(19) [RETURN VALUE], @ProductID int(10) [INPUT], @OrderDate datetime(23) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice', 5 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.Product | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | StartDate |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | EndDate |
Production.ProductListPriceHistory | user table | ListPrice |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost | Scalar function returning the standard cost for a given product on a particular order date. | @RETURN_VALUE money(19) [RETURN VALUE], @ProductID int(10) [INPUT], @OrderDate datetime(23) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost', 5 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.Product | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductCostHistory | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductCostHistory | user table | StartDate |
Production.ProductCostHistory | user table | EndDate |
Production.ProductCostHistory | user table | StandardCost |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetPurchaseOrderStatusText | Scalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the PurchaseOrderHeader table. | @RETURN_VALUE nvarchar(15) [RETURN VALUE], @Status tinyint(3) [INPUT] |
There are no Dependencies for this object.
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetSalesOrderStatusText | Scalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the SalesOrderHeader table. | @RETURN_VALUE nvarchar(15) [RETURN VALUE], @Status tinyint(3) [INPUT] |
There are no Dependencies for this object.
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnGetStock | Scalar function returning the quantity of inventory in LocationID 6 (Miscellaneous Storage)for a specified ProductID. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @ProductID int(10) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.ufnGetStock', 3 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.ProductInventory | user table | ProductID |
Production.ProductInventory | user table | LocationID |
Production.ProductInventory | user table | Quantity |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.ufnLeadingZeros | Scalar function used by the Sales.Customer table to help set the account number. | @RETURN_VALUE varchar(8) [RETURN VALUE], @Value int(10) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.ufnLeadingZeros', 1 item
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Sales.Customer | user table | N/A |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials | Stored procedure using a recursive query to return a multi-level bill of material for the specified ProductID. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @StartProductID int(10) [INPUT], @CheckDate datetime(23) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials', 10 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | ProductAssemblyID |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | ComponentID |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | StartDate |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | EndDate |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | BOMLevel |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | PerAssemblyQty |
Production.Product | user table | ProductID |
Production.Product | user table | Name |
Production.Product | user table | StandardCost |
Production.Product | user table | ListPrice |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers | Stored procedure using a recursive query to return the direct and indirect managers of the specified employee. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @EmployeeID int(10) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers', 7 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Person.Contact | user table | ContactID |
Person.Contact | user table | FirstName |
Person.Contact | user table | LastName |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | EmployeeID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ContactID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ManagerID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | Title |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees | Stored procedure using a recursive query to return the direct and indirect employees of the specified manager. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @ManagerID int(10) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees', 6 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Person.Contact | user table | ContactID |
Person.Contact | user table | FirstName |
Person.Contact | user table | LastName |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | EmployeeID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ContactID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ManagerID |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID | Stored procedure using a recursive query to return all components or assemblies that directly or indirectly use the specified ProductID. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @StartProductID int(10) [INPUT], @CheckDate datetime(23) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID', 10 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | ProductAssemblyID |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | ComponentID |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | StartDate |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | EndDate |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | BOMLevel |
Production.BillOfMaterials | user table | PerAssemblyQty |
Production.Product | user table | ProductID |
Production.Product | user table | Name |
Production.Product | user table | StandardCost |
Production.Product | user table | ListPrice |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspLogError | Logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error information. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @ErrorLogID int(10) [INPUT and OUTPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.uspLogError', 8 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspPrintError | stored procedure | N/A |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | UserName |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorNumber |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorSeverity |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorState |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorProcedure |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorLine |
dbo.ErrorLog | user table | ErrorMessage |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
dbo.uspPrintError | Prints error information about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without printing any error information. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'dbo.uspPrintError', 32 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspLogError | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.uShift | trigger | N/A |
Person.uStateProvince | trigger | N/A |
Production.iWorkOrder | trigger | N/A |
Production.uScrapReason | trigger | N/A |
Production.uTransactionHistory | trigger | N/A |
Production.uTransactionHistoryArchive | trigger | N/A |
Production.uUnitMeasure | trigger | N/A |
Production.uWorkOrder | trigger | N/A |
Production.uWorkOrderRouting | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.dVendor | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.iPurchaseOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uPurchaseOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uPurchaseOrderHeader | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uShipMethod | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uVendor | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uVendorAddress | trigger | N/A |
Purchasing.uVendorContact | trigger | N/A |
Sales.iduSalesOrderDetail | trigger | N/A |
Sales.iStore | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesOrderHeader | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesOrderHeaderSalesReason | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesPerson | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesPersonQuotaHistory | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesReason | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesTaxRate | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesTerritory | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSalesTerritoryHistory | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uShoppingCartItem | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSpecialOffer | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uSpecialOfferProduct | trigger | N/A |
Sales.uStore | trigger | N/A |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo | Updates the Employee table and inserts a new row in the EmployeePayHistory table with the values specified in the input parameters. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @EmployeeID int(10) [INPUT], @Title nvarchar(50) [INPUT], @HireDate datetime(23) [INPUT], @RateChangeDate datetime(23) [INPUT], @Rate money(19) [INPUT], @PayFrequency tinyint(3) [INPUT], @CurrentFlag Flag(1) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo', 8 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspLogError | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | Title |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | HireDate |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | CurrentFlag |
HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory | user table | EmployeeID |
HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory | user table | RateChangeDate |
HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory | user table | Rate |
HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory | user table | PayFrequency |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeLogin | Updates the Employee table with the values specified in the input parameters for the given EmployeeID. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @EmployeeID int(10) [INPUT], @ManagerID int(10) [INPUT], @LoginID nvarchar(256) [INPUT], @Title nvarchar(50) [INPUT], @HireDate datetime(23) [INPUT], @CurrentFlag Flag(1) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeeLogin', 6 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspLogError | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | LoginID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | ManagerID |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | Title |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | HireDate |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | CurrentFlag |
Procedure Name | Description | Parameters |
HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeePersonalInfo | Updates the Employee table with the values specified in the input parameters for the given EmployeeID. | @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE], @EmployeeID int(10) [INPUT], @NationalIDNumber nvarchar(15) [INPUT], @BirthDate datetime(23) [INPUT], @MaritalStatus nchar(1) [INPUT], @Gender nchar(1) [INPUT] |
Dependencies for Procedure/Function 'HumanResources.uspUpdateEmployeePersonalInfo', 5 items
Object Name | Type | Field Name |
dbo.uspLogError | stored procedure | N/A |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | NationalIDNumber |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | BirthDate |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | MaritalStatus |
HumanResources.Employee | user table | Gender |
There are no rules in this database.
Name |
ddlDatabaseTriggerLog |
Type name | Code | Size | Sizable | Nullable | Searchable | Autoincremenal | Scale | User Type |
xml | -152 | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No | | No |
sql_variant | -150 | 8000 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
uniqueidentifier | -11 | 36 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
ntext | -10 | 1073741823 | Yes | Yes | Like only | No | | No |
nvarchar | -9 | 4000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | No |
sysname | -9 | 128 | Yes | No | Yes | No | | No |
AccountNumber | -9 | 15 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Yes |
Name | -9 | 50 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Yes |
OrderNumber | -9 | 25 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Yes |
Phone | -9 | 25 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Yes |
nchar | -8 | 4000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | No |
bit | -7 | 1 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
Flag | -7 | 1 | No | No | Except like | No | | No |
NameStyle | -7 | 1 | No | No | Except like | No | | No |
tinyint | -6 | 3 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
tinyint identity | -6 | 3 | No | No | Except like | Yes | | No |
bigint | -5 | 19 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
bigint identity | -5 | 19 | No | No | Except like | Yes | | No |
image | -4 | 2147483647 | Yes | Yes | No | No | | No |
varbinary | -3 | 8000 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
binary | -2 | 8000 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
timestamp | -2 | 8 | Yes | No | Except like | No | | No |
text | -1 | 2147483647 | Yes | Yes | Like only | No | | No |
char | 1 | 8000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | No |
numeric | 2 | 38 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | 0..38 | No |
numeric() identity | 2 | 38 | No | No | Except like | Yes | | No |
decimal | 3 | 38 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | 0..38 | No |
money | 3 | 19 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
smallmoney | 3 | 10 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
decimal() identity | 3 | 38 | No | No | Except like | Yes | | No |
int | 4 | 10 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
int identity | 4 | 10 | No | No | Except like | Yes | | No |
smallint | 5 | 5 | No | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
smallint identity | 5 | 5 | No | No | Except like | Yes | | No |
float | 6 | 15 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
real | 7 | 7 | Yes | Yes | Except like | No | | No |
datetime | 11 | 23 | No | Yes | Yes | No | | No |
smalldatetime | 11 | 16 | No | Yes | Yes | No | | No |
varchar | 12 | 8000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | No |