Iterative Command Execution Software Overview

DTM Command Execution Tool is a simple utility that allows the user to execute specified program or command a few times with specified interval between the end of some step and begin of the next one. It is suitable for batch execution.
Download: 32 bit. No installation is required.


cmdrun.exe [configuration file]

Configuration File

The configuration file has three parameters:

  1. A number of iterations. In case 0 specified the programs will use the infinite loop. The user must press Ctrl+Break to terminate the program in this case.
  2. Interval between iterations in seconds
  3. Command line that must be executed. For example
    "C:\Program Files\DTM Data Generator\DG.EXE" -r d:\MyProjects\FillClients.dgp -@d:\acc.conprof


cmdrun "c:\program files\cmdrun\config1.ini"

See also: end user license agreement.