Access database comparison and synchronization with DTM Data Comparer
Any user without strong database experience can compare or
synchronize two Microsoft Access databases with DTM Data Comparer. The tool provides easy GUI with three steps.
The user should:
- Select databases files (.mdb or .accdb) which contain Access tables to be compared.
- Select source and target tables from the drop-down menu.
- Run the comparison or synchronization process.
How does the tool compares Access databases?
The comparison software fetches data rows basing on the order of ascending of primary key values.
The user can define an alternate unique key for tables without a key.
The comparer marks by yellow background any row without the same primary key value for source row in the target table.
Otherwise, i.e. values of the keys are equal, the program places them to the same lines and highlights for equal fields by
green background and different fields by the red background.
In case Access tables have different structure the user can apply column mapping. This feature allows users
to specify field correspondence between tables to be compared. The mapping window also provides a way to convert
data with built-in Access SQL function if necessary.
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Key Features
- The program uses native Jet DB interface to operate with Access files as well as classic ODBC connections.
- DTM Data Comparer can compare tables in two Access files as well as to compare a table with database servers
like PostgreSQL or even desktop file like Excel spreadsheet.
- It supports all modern Access versions starting 2000, both MDB and ACCDB formats. The limited support for Access 95 and 97 is also provided.
- DTM Data Comparer is a true Win32 application. It supports Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows 8/10 (desktop), Windows Server 2003 or newer. x64 version of the application is also available.
Why DTM Data Comparer
- The easy and visual user interface that not requires database experience.
- Useful HTML or Excel report with results of database comparison (sample HTML comparison report).
- Provides two views for comparison results: table to table or value to value.
See Also